This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
Our first game was
Catan, with the
Seafarers expansion and the 5-6 player addons for both. I'd actually
never played this – when it came out and became hugely popular, I was
mostly playing RPGs and only occasional boardgames from Steve Jackson
Games – and I can see the appeal, though I shan't be buying it any
time soon. The resource gathering in particular is just a bit too

That took a while, so to finish off we played
Human Era, a
social deduction game that recently arrived via Kickstarter. It was
fairly chaotic, with scores fluctuating between 1 and 5 in a single
round (0 or 6 is an automatic win for one side or the other), but as
the cyborg I managed to end with things reasonably centred and share
in a machine win. I'll definitely play this more. (And probably make a
time machine marker for it.)

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