This post is about what I brought back from Essen – as well as some
things I'd been thinking about but ended up not buying.

Railroad Ink / Horrible Games - found for a good price, about half
current UK retail; bought.
V-Commandos / Triton Noir - bought, with some extra bits free. (Most
publishers don't sell much below retail at Essen, but they will throw
in extras.)
Flamme Rouge + Peloton + Méteo / Lautapelit - bought, from Stronghold
Games so that I could use my demonstrator's games allowance.
Colt Express Bandits (6 mini-expansions) / Ludonaute - bought, and was
paid a huge compliment when the French sales lady was amazed I wanted
them en Anglais.
Wibbell++ / Stuff by Bez - after a strong recommendation from
Board Games In Bed, I tried the
core game (with Bez in person), and bought the deck.
An unexpected discovery: Human Punishment, a social deduction game in
a post-Rampancy world. Three factions, changing loyalties, lots of
variability; all the things I like. Yes, there's player elimination,
but I get the feeling that once one player is eliminated the game is
likely to end soon anyway. Bought.
Exodus Paris Nouveau / Indie Boards & Cards - not perfect but jolly
good. Bought with demonstrator allowance.
Shogunate / Indie Boards & Cards - effectively free to me. Looks
intriguing; will see if it works. Bought with demonstrator allowance.
Kodama Duo / Indie Boards & Cards - free ex-demo copy.
Senators / Indie Boards & Cards - my ib&c game of the show. Bought
with demonstrator allowance.
Darwinning / Dragon Dawn - Kickstarter pickup.
Realm of Sand / EmperorS4 - had a quick demo, bought.
Dice Hospital / Alley Cat Games - Kickstarter pickup.
The Networks: Executives + More Executives + On the Air / Formal
Ferret - bought. I love this game.
Not Alone / Geek Attitude Games - traded for this, which I've been
after for a while.
NMBR 9 / Abacus Spiele - traded for this, a second copy so that I can
have 8-player games.
Things which were on my list to look at but I didn't buy, because they
weren't available or because I didn't want them:
Lift Off / Hans im Glück - a good theme and effective 1950s-style
presentation, but seemed like very basic gameplay.
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig / Bézier Games - after a short
demo, it seemed to lose the fun of Castles without gaining the fun of
Between Two Cities.
Architects of the West Kingdom / Renegade - lots of pre-show buzz, but
in the end the one innovative mechanic (you can steal other players'
workers) wasn't enough to overcome the heavy-worker-placement baggage,
at least for my taste.
Project L / Boardcubator - from the makers of Space Race. Highly
enjoyable small puzzle game; will buy when it's available.
Shards of Infinity + Relics of the Future / Ultrapro - nice ideas but
the presentation was so slick I couldn't get any sense of the game.
Rolling Ranch / ThunderGryph - not visible; may not be available yet.
Rallyman GT / Holy Grail Games - OK, the time trial mode that made
original Rallyman great will be relegated to an expansion, but they're
definitely getting the system to work for simultaneous racing.
Men At Work / Pretzel Games - probably great fun, but expensive and I
wouldn't get to play it often enough to justify the cost and space in
my collection.
Treasure Island / Matagot - might be good but too big and expensive,
and has an odd feeling of being just Captain Sonar version 2. Will
wait for more reviews and a lower price before thinking about it
The Captain is Dead: Lockdown / AEG - apparently not for sale? Or out
of stock? Nobody seemed to know.
Scorpius Freighter / AEG - interesting, but not for €50 without much
more information than I could get from a quick play-through.
Atlandice / Ludonaute - nice ideas but didn't look
interesting/different enough from games I already own.
Planet / Blue Orange - great gimmick (tiling a dodecahedron with
pentagonal magnetic pieces) but that was all; the rest of the game was
pretty dull.
Magic Maze Hidden Roles / Sit Down! - only in beta, and while I love
this game I know only one other person who likes it (hi Nick). I
somehow don't think a traitor mechanic would work in a solo game.
Grifters: Nexus / Indie Boards & Cards - I knew I wanted this one so I
backed the Kickstarter some months ago; it might not have been ready
for this show. As it happened, it was, and I could have paid less.
Interesting variation on the original game, and I think there's some
potential for careful mixing of the two. (Still waiting for my
Kickstarter copy to arrive.)
Sub Terra / Inside the Box - wanted to consider this, but the only
version I saw for sale was the huge expensive-looking box. I may have
missed a vendor with the smaller version, though.
Expedition Zetta / Ion Game Design - it's as big and long and
complicated and expensive as I'd feared. Lovely ideas, but no.
Blood on the Clocktower / Pandemonium Institute - will definitely be
buying this when it's available; one of the designers admired my
beard. All right, I did play a (prototype) game too; and our team
lost, but we all had a great time. Needs an active game master, and
embraces that need by making them a significant participant, rather
than shoving the job off to an app or simple rules engine.

Arraial / Mebo - it's Tetris. "So is Realm of Sand", you say. No,
this is really Tetris in board game form. Not for me.
Warpgate / Wolff Designa - looks good, but big and slow and complex.
And I have Star Trek Ascendancy.
Star Scrappers Cave-In / Hexy - seemed as though they drew game
mechanics out of the zeitgeist until they had enough, then pasted on a
theme. Meh. Pretty though; Hexy is also a game manufacturer and it's a
good advertisement for what they can do.
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