This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
Eight of us this night, and me just back from Essen, so we
started with
Railroad Ink.
I think this is at about the right level of complexity for a
roll-and-write game, with several things to think about but not
completely absorbing one's attention.

By request, I brought along
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong…
which got to the third round with no accusations, but the third
accusation nailed the murderer, and the witness got away. This game
always looks ridiculously hard for the detectives, but it usually
comes together by the end.

We split into two groups of four, with the other playing
(which I'd like to try some time). I played Essen acquisition
Realm of Sand,
at which I did spectacularly badly with two early placement errors. It
does feel very similar to Splendor in its basic framework, though
there's far more complexity than is apparent at the beginning.

We went on to
Ricochet Robots,
where as usual it took about half the game before I could get into the
right mode of thought to spot the solutions.

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