I spent another Saturday playing solo games. St Theoktiste of Lesbos,
whose feast day is 10 November, supposedly spent 35 years in solitude,
so seems an appropriate person to commemorate in this way. (Not to
mention there aren't that many Lesbian saints.)
With images;
cc-by-sa on
Well, the first step was to clean the gaming tablecloth.

While that was going on, I had a bash at the November
challenge; there's a dedicated fan on BoardGameGeek who posts a course
each month, and since the drivers mostly don't affect each other it's
possible for everyone to have a go. No photos as I was doing it
virtually on the laptop (I wrote some command-line tools to run the
dice and card decks).
Next up was
Colt Express.
This is not, of course, a solo game, not even slightly. The new
Bandits expansions are, in theory, a way to run one bandit
automatically, but only one, and not with any expansions. But I
reckoned that this was not beyond the skill of a dedicated bodger.

I left out the Horses and Stagecoach expansion, but played as the
Marshal, with all six automated bandits.

There were various minor rules quirks, and the whole thing is quite
poorly translated, but it didn't take a great deal of effort to make
everything hold together, and I've started a
BoardGameGeek thread
with my notes and experiences. (Four out of five Marshal goals; I
suspect a fair winning condition is to get all five.)

I went on with
Renegade, this
time against a "real" foe (Alpha-Moby). I had a solid start, and
thanks to a very strung-out server map I ended up automatically
succeeding at the second goal. But the final countermeasures card was
Roman Road, and I didn't have the command points to get anywhere near
achieving it. Ah well! Still a victory, if not a great one. I'm really
enjoying this game, the expansions are on the way, and I plan to get a
review together soon.

For a break, something a bit lighter:
Sagrada, which
is still beautiful. And at which I still seem to be incapable of
winning the solo game, even on extra-easy mode.

I returned to
doing the "GREEN" mission: a single terrain area, with three documents
to be scooped up before the place is overrun with enemy soldiers. This
came out rather more smoothly than the last training mission: I had a
free choice of commandos, and so was able to take the officer who can
give extra action points to other commandos, the medic with the
silenced Sten, and the scout who can squeeze through gaps in walls.
(Each character comes in two versions with different abilities.) This
made it possible to move up quickly, suffering only one spotting check
(which was failed), but then nobbling that soldier and turning off the
alarm. We had to shoot a couple more, but were able to get in and out
before the enemy could bring in enough numbers to be a problem. Which
is the way this sort of raid is supposed to go!

Finally for the evening,
Star Realms Frontiers
against the "Assimilation" challenge (in super-easy mode). The rules
for this seemed oddly phrased (just when is an enemy base supposed to
be activated, for example?) and split across multiple places (the
general section on challenges in the rulebook, a double-page spread on
this specific challenge, and the card itself), but while I took some
damage I was able to nobble the enemy without too much difficulty,
particularly since for a wonder I was actually able to buy a bunch of
cards from the same power and thus use their alliance bonuses. It's
too long since I've played this; opportunities for two-player games,
which is where it mostly shines, don't often come my way. (But
Frontiers can play up to six, if you add the starter cards from a
standard Star Realms or Colony Wars box, which I haveā¦)

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