Back to the boardgame café. With
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We started with
Cosmic Run: Renegeration,
which I've been hearing about quite a bit lately. It was very
reminiscent of Alien Frontiers: each turn you roll a bunch of dice,
and depending on their values place them in different spots. You don't
have the blocking of Alien Frontiers, though: you place matching
sets on the various "planet" tracks to score points (the theme is
tissue-thin), specific dice on "alien" cards to buy them into your
hand and get one-shot bonuses later (which is pretty much the only bit
of player interaction, as you can buy a card someone else might want),
and anything left over goes to "crystals" that let you buy
die-manipulation powers. Meanwhile, planets are being hit by meteors
based on a card draw, and when they're all out of play the game is

I won, thanks to a high-risk strategy (building up a set of five
different alien cards to discard all at once, which I managed one turn
before the end of the game). But mostly I felt I was being reminded
that it's too long since I played Alien Frontiers, which has very
slightly more of a theme, and more combinations of dice to look for
than "N of a kind".

The next game was
Railroad Ink,
not helped at all by the few remaining pens in the box being very dry.
I did terribly.

It seemed to be quite a non-interactive evening; we went on with
Race for the Galaxy
which I haven't played for too long (and may well buy if/when it gets
cheaper again). A close game, though I still lost.

Timeline: General Interest, made more interesting by starting the game with four
cards dealt rather than one. (I'm still unlikely to buy this, but it
brings a bit of new life to sets that we can otherwise score perfectly
on most of the time.)

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