It's finally got warm enough to work outside without having to be bold
and manly about it.
Though since I tend to be sitting around rather than being
active, I was wearing a light sweater for a couple of days. But with a
laptop, and an ethernet cable run out from the machine room (because
really why would one want to rely on 802.11 when there's gigabit
ethernet available?), I have a fine and well-ventilated office.
And this year we have cowslips. Not many of them, and almost certainly
not from the cowslip seeds we planted when we turned the lawn into a
meadow, but we certainly have the things.

And unofficial bluebells nearby.

And what I can only assume is an oddly mobile fungus, which seems to
like following me around. (It can't be a dog; dogs are not allowed in
the garden.)

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