This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey. (Pictures
from new shinyphone in "HDR" mode.)
We started with seven-player
Saboteur, with
some excellent bluffing and, I think, the first time I've ever had a
"map" card while playing this game. This is one of those games I'm
happy to play when it comes out, but I feel no particular urge to own.

We split, and I played
Star Realms: Frontiers,
the first time I've had it out for more than two players. We used the
Hunter variant (you can only attack the player on your left), and I
did a lousy job of faction specialisation (my usual weakness, going
for short-term benefits) and got knocked out first. Still, this is a
game I've been meaning to introduce to the group for a while, and the
other players enjoyed it.

Over on the other side, they played
Ticket to Ride: Europe,
followed by 6 Nimmt!.

Then we all got back together for a few rounds of
Concept before
the pub closed. (No photos; it was too much chaotic fun.)
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