I've been doing the
Perl Weekly Challenges. This one
dealt with string splitting and amicable numbers.
The first challenge was to split a string on change of character:
so ABBCDD would become A, BB, C, DD. This is clearly a job for regular
expressions, but referring to a capturing pattern within the same
expression needs a syntax I wasn't previously aware of, the \g
backreference. This returns pairs of captures, which I join with
pairmap from List::Util.
sub splitchange {
return pairmap {$a.$b} shift =~ /(.)(\g1*)/g;
In Perl6, this escape is no longer present, and you need to
interpolate a code block into the regex in order to backreference
within the same context, which I find rather uglier. (How odd, since I
find most of Perl6's changes to regex syntax rather good.) On the
other hand I get a $&-equivalent for each capture, so the pairmap is
sub splitchange ($in) {
return map {$_.Str}, $in ~~ m:g/(.) {} :my $c = $0; ($c*)/;
amicable numbers
is more of a brute-force problem. And when there's heavy numerical
lifting to be done, I resort to BigInt with a GMP back-end.
use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMP';
use Math::Prime::Util qw(divisors);
my $a=Math::BigInt->new(1);
while (1) {
my @a=grep {$_ != $a} divisors($a);
my $b=sum(@a);
Without this optimisation, we'll check each pair twice...
if ($b <= $a) {
my @b=grep {$_ != $b} divisors($b);
my $aa=sum(@b);
if ($aa == $a) {
print "$a, $b\n";
The perl6 version is rather slower since, if there's a fast divisors
function in the language base, I haven't found it. So I wrote my own,
which isn't pretty, but it works. (There's no need to output the
divisors in order, so a SetHash – somewhat like a hash, but
constrained such that the values are irrelevant as long as they're
non-zero – seems like an appropriate tool.)
my $a=1;
while (1) {
my @a=divisors_unself($a);
my $b=@a.sum;
if ($b <= $a) {
my @b=divisors_unself($b);
my $aa=@b.sum;
if ($aa == $a) {
print "$a, $b\n";
sub divisors_unself ($k) {
my SetHash $dd .= new;
$dd{ 1 }++;
for 2..$k.sqrt.Int -> $d {
if ($k % $d == 0) {
$dd{ $d }++;
$dd{ $k/$d }++;
return $dd.keys;
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