I've been doing the
Perl Weekly Challenges. This one
dealt with difference series and prime factorisation.
I used difference series before in my answer to challenge #15,
though there wasn't any code in common with this one.
use Getopt::Std;
my %o=('d' => 2);
my @seq=@ARGV;
foreach (1..$o{d}) {
my @o=map {$seq[$_+1]-$seq[$_]} (0..$#seq-1);
print join(' ',@seq),"\n";
Perl6 is much the same, only Getopt::Std isn't available so I just
take the depth as the first argument. All the other changes are minor.
my @seq=@*ARGS;
my $depth=shift @seq;
The other challenge was prime factorisation, where I decided to use a
straightforward trial division with some minor optimisations. (For
numbers small enough to use them, this is rather faster with native
integer types than with BigIntegers; use integer;
use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMP';
foreach my $i (@ARGV) {
my $f=primefactor(Math::BigInt->new($i));
my @o="$i:";
foreach my $ff (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$f}) {
push @o,($ff) x $f->{$ff};
print join(' ',@o),"\n";
sub primefactor {
my $n=shift;
my %out;
while ($n%2 == 0) {
my $k=Math::BigInt->new(3);
while ($k*$k <= $n) {
while ($n % $k == 0) {
$n /= $k;
return \%out;
Again, the perl6 version is very similar except for minor syntax
changes, and using native integer types. I did try putting an
is-prime test into the loop, but this takes rather longer than just
doing the first trial modulus, failing, and moving on.
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