V-Commandos: Résistance
is the supplement to V-Commandos that I wasn't able to buy at Essen
last year.

It recently came back into stock with some shops in France
(thanks to boardgameprices.co.uk for making it easy to discover this),
and my copy has just arrived.
There are three sheets of counters: supply drops and binoculars as
well as more of things already found in the other boxes, three new
characters, and a variety of civilians and Resistance fighters, There
are also five new operations, 13 terrain cards, and 18 event cards.

There are also three sheets of terrain tiles, double-sided as before.
(Some of these are duplicates of each other, though a double of side A
may not in turn be a double of side B.) None of the terrain tiles has
special rules, and you could play just with the standard ones, but
these are nice to have for atmosphere.

Some material is duplicated from Secret Weapons (the two expansions
are independent of each other); new rules include some new equipment
items (binoculars let you reroll one die, once per turn; an equipment
airdrop lets you place three random supply items on an outdoor tile)
and a new sort of special enemy (the officer moves up to 2 tiles and
takes all units on his starting tile with him, while the guard dog
makes all commandos on its tile visible).
The Spy has a close-combat attack that won't make him visible, and
starts with an enemy uniform. The SOE Agent can place dynamite
remotely (by employing off-board resistance fighters), and pepper
guard dogs to stop them revealing commandos. The Saboteur can
improvise TNT charges and throw either them or a silent knife (like
the Jamie Finnlock Kickstarter bonus).
And everything fits in the core game's box!

I hope to pick up some of the remaining Kickstarter extras at Essen,
if Triton Noir are there this year.
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