I went over to a friend's place for boardgames.
We started with
Alien Frontiers,
which can sometimes drag (much of the planning for your turn can only
be done once you've rolled your dice at the start of your turn). But
in this group of three, we managed to avoid that; it was a fairly
chatty game rather than each of us grizzling into our dice, it never
felt as though it were moving slowly, and we took a bit over an hour
in total.

I managed to get out all my extra ship dice early, which while it
meant I didn't get the first colonies did in the end give me the win.
The right artefacts definitely helped.

On to
Flamme Rouge,
and the Ronde van Wevelgem course which saves its hills to the end.
The pack stayed together all the way through. In the end I may have
won, only because the next player couldn't go off the end of the final
track tile, so tucked in next to me on the last space; I'm not
convinced that this should really be the rule. One of the few times
I've played this without having to teach it first.

which continues to be a hard game for people to get their heads round;
we ended up playing a practice round to show how everything worked.
Fortunately that doesn't take long. I think the main game took three
rounds, none of which I won, but it was great fun all the same.

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