I've been doing the Perl Weekly
Challenges. This one dealt with
expanding braces and calling C functions.
Write a script to demonstrate brace expansion. For example,
script would take command line argument Perl
{Daily,Weekly,Monthly,Yearly} Challenge and should expand it and print
like below:
Perl Daily Challenge
Perl Weekly Challenge
Perl Monthly Challenge
Perl Yearly Challenge
Of course, there might be multiple braces in a single input, for
example {Perl,Postscript} {Daily,Weekly,Monthly,Yearly} Challenge
In this case I feel it's appropriate to go through each of them
separately, so that in this case the output would be eight lines.
First, I break down the input to find braced sections. These are
turned into array references within @e. %r holds the maximum value for
each variable section (i.e. number of alternatives minus 1).
Non-variable sections remain as plain text in @e.
foreach my $text (@ARGV) {
my %r;
my @e=split /(\{.*?\})/,$text;
foreach my $i (0..$#e) {
if ($e[$i] =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) {
my @b=split ',',$1;
Set the accumulators to 0. We will iterate through each valid combination.
my %a=map {$_ => 0} keys %r;
while (1) {
First, produce the current output, choosing the appropriate
alternative for each variable section. (If there are no variable
sections, this will still work.)
my @out;
foreach my $k (0..$#e) {
if (exists $r{$k}) {
push @out,$e[$k][$a{$k}];
} else {
push @out,$e[$k];
print join('',@out),"\n";
Generate a list of the indices of the variable sections. If there
aren't any, our job is done and we can exit now.
my @kl=sort keys %a;
unless (@kl) {
Increment the first accumulator. If it's exceeded its maximum value,
reset it and go on to the next one. If we run out of accumulators,
we've finished.
my $i=0;
while (1) {
if ($a{$kl[$i]} > $r{$kl[$i]}) {
if ($i > $#kl) {
last OUTER;
} else {
I didn't do this in Perl6, because I'm still getting the hang of how
complex data structures work there.
Write a script to demonstrate calling a C function. It could be any
user defined or standard C function.
This is notoriously fiddly in Perl (not to mention that all the
easily-found examples assume you'll be writing your own C functions,
not using an existing library), but I ended up finding a nice simple
module to do it.
use FFI::Raw;
my $cpf=FFI::Raw->new('libc.so.6','printf',
$cpf->call("%s\n",'a string passed from perl5');
This is something that Perl6 seems to have got right:
use NativeCall;
our sub cpf(Str, Str --> int32) is native(sub{'libc.so.6'}) is symbol('printf') { * }
cpf("%s\n",'a string passed from perl6');
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