This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
I brought my new copy of Letter
Jam, and we
played that; my explanation mostly made sense, I think, though I want
to refine it a bit. We also had a near-perfect game, all finishing our
rows of letters well before the timer had run out.

We went on to City of
which was one of the last games I needed for my 52 Game
("designed for children (age 5 and up)"). With three six-sided dice,
you combine the numbers to kill advancing zombies: basic
four-operation arithmetic, and squaring and square-rooting. We started
off on the standard mode, but found it too easy so half-way through we
used the special powers as well, and still completed the game
without losing any survivors, clearing the board in most rounds.
(And then we got a random endgame outcome in which "there are just too
many zombies – one of you has to sacrifice yourself to hold them back
while the others escape". With a clean board. Ah well.)
Quite fun once, but I think that it wouldn't have much lasting play

My character was clearly wielding a Model M.

And we finished off with
Dobble, the game
I might have ended up demoing a lot if I'd got on board with Esdevium
(apparently it's the main thing they're asked for). Quite enjoyable as
a quick filler.
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