This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.
We started with Magic
Maze, giving
it a few tries to get used to the game, though not getting as
far as card-passing or unique pawn powers. This is still the most
intense game I've played, and I know some people who hate it, but I
rather enjoy it.

Though Mental
comes moderately close for intensity. We played the same two puzzles
I'd played at Midcon, but fortunately I have a bad memory and, in
fact, in both cases I got the grey angled view – so I could say what
the overall shape had to be as we started, but I couldn't contribute
much after that. (Though there is some potential for working out who
must have which sort of view.)

A round of BANG! The Dice
Game next,
in which I nearly persuaded the Sheriff I was the Deputy…
unfortunately it also worked on a fellow Outlaw.

And finally,
Concept, using
the "street" rules (previous correct guesser picks a card, previous
clue-giver picks a number, keep the cards you guess correctly to make
your final score) that are much more fun than the official teamwork

I came out of the pub to find that the car had met the first frost of
the season.

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