On New Year's Day I went to the Jack of Both Sides in Reading (now
renamed the Hope and Bear, but it has a different name each time I go
there – all right, I only go there once every few years – and the
locals still call it the Jack) for boardgames with the Reading
Boardgames Social.
Although it's a large group that holds several meetings a week,
only about seven other people turned up, which was a bit
disappointing. They'd changed the venue from the one that had been
announced, which may not have helped.
In case you forget what you're drinking…

The first game I played was Patchwork
a roll-and-write that reminded me strongly of Second Chance, which I
played with other members of the Reading group last year: get a
polyomino and fill in your sheet with it. I worked out how to exploit
the scoring and came away the winner; it was fun, but certainly not
enjoyable enough to buy.

Century: Spice
next, in which I thought I'd got things more or less working but ended
up coming last. Ah well. Still had a good time.

I got out
Letter Jam,
which people picked up fairly quickly, and the cards cooperated more
than they did last time I played.

Then Citadels,
which clearly has a skill component to it that I don't really get.

Finally, Between Two
which came together very nicely. (Future Roger, remember to use the
standard-layout scoreboard, not the boustrophedon one on the other
side; it's much quicker when you're jumping in steps of ten.)

I enjoyed all the games, though speaking as someone who is not usually
the soul of the party, this group didn't seem like a particularly
lively bunch. Post-Christmas tiredness perhaps.
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