This boardgame convention was still at the larger venue in Maidenhead,
but with more people booked in and much more of a crush, especially on
In fact I heard quite a few people suggesting that they might not
come back to the next one, in August: too many people crammed into the
space (and people were being castigated for having brought "too many"
games to play), the committee (many of whom are teachers of young
children) start off by hectoring people when they want something
rather than just asking, the head committee bloke loves the sound of
his own voice and pops at length into a microphone several times a
day, the hotel is very expensive for both accommodation and food and
not particularly clean… and, frankly, there are lots of other
boardgame conventions about with fewer of these problems. Though none
of them is as close to my place as this one.
Still, for this show at least there were good people there and good
gaming to be had. And a lady of excellent and discerning taste admired
my beard, loudly and in public.
But I started gaming with
Suburbia, where
I managed to achieve my usual failure mode of not building up enough
money and income early in the game so I couldn't afford most of the
late game tiles.

On to Tobago,
always popular except with people who've played it to death, which
these two hadn't.

And then Firefly: The
Game, still
one of my favourites in spite of the mechanical crudity and over-long
playing time. I had a superb non-moral crew in Womack, Holder, Busker,
Foreman, Roberta and Barkeep (in the Artful Dodger), but took too long
hauling around and doing jobs while someone else took the win. Still
had a great time, though.

On to Letter
Jam, with some
extremely awkward letter combinations. I've worked out what I do wrong
in this game: fixate on one solution to the exclusion of other
possibilities. Now I need to avoid doing it.

Then Awkward
Guests, a
deduction game with a country-house mystery theme. I failed to
understand that "only the murderer lies" doesn't apply to motives
(i.e. even a non-murderer can give you false information about a
motive), which really wasn't at all clear in the book, but it was
still good. Might think about buying this at some point. Maybe.

On Saturday, I tried setting up Flamme
Rouge for
solo, and sure enough some people came along and wanted to play.
(Third time that's happened? Fourth? One day I'll actually play the
solo mode, probably when I'm at home.) I nearly pulled this off, but
broke forward too soon.

Next Baseball Highlights:
which I've picked up as a result of recommendations from the 1 Player
Guild on BGG. The series broke entirely my way, with a 4-0 win, and I
fear I may have put the other player off this game – though to be fair
they aren't generally a fan of games with a lot of direct action
against other players, which is pretty much what this game is about.

next, definitely one of the "why don't I get it off the shelf more
often" games: I have a good time every time I play it, so I should
play it more!

I tried a Eurogame that I'd played once before, and didn't much rate:
Sierra West.
This time we used the second of its four modular modes. I still found
it very flavourless, but I did have fun. (And I was involved enough
that I didn't take any pictures.)
Another game of
Suburbia, which
went rather better for me than the last one.

In a quick break, I played an alternative scoring sheet for Ganz
(I enjoy this, though not enough to give house-room to a copy.)

Next I played
ArtSee, in which
you're adding paintings to an art gallery. There's a lot of Euro
abstraction here, and it's vulnerable to card luck, but I had a good
time losing.

Very briefly,
Kluster, in
which you're trying to place all your magnetic pebbles inside the
string without any of them snapping together. Suffers a bit from a
runaway loser problem (if they do snap together, that player has to
take them all, which makes life easier for the other players) but I
like the idea.

Point Salad
next, in which you can take cards either as vegetables or to determine
what those vegetables are worth to you. A bit fiddly but still

Then Xenon
with one of my worst games ever – thanks to Vicky for making sure I
didn't get lazy! (Also the first time I've ever played with the
Tactics and Profiteers expansion. Not entirely convinced.)

Finally for the night, some good old-fashioned tomb plundering with
Luxor. Yes, all
right, rather a thematic disconnect, but it doesn't slow down as you
go along even though you're sharing your moves among an increasing
number of your meeples, and I'd look forward to playing this again
some time.

On Sunday, we started with The
including On the Air cards but no Executives. My 10×10 experience last
year helped a lot here, and I walked away with the game by a
substantial margin.

Then shelf-of-shame entry
which I brought back as a demonstrator freebie from Essen in 2018.
Like many small games from Indie Boards & Cards, it seemed to get
absolutely no promotion… but it's rather a good game of hidden
loyalties. I'll definitely be bringing this along to other events.

in which another player and I managed to achieve a shared victory
(same point total, and an empty hospital, which is the tie-breaker).
First time I've seen that happen – and also the best game I've had,
even if I did stick with my usual strategy of going for
not-terribly-ill patients.

Kraftwagen, a
relatively obscure Eurogame of early motor cars: you're improving the
bodies and engines you can make, building cars to sell, and racing,
with a highly abstracted but technically really interesting
action-selection system. I had a great time coming last (by just two

So I had a good weekend, as did the people I played with, but we
couldn't help feeling that it was to some extent in spite of the
venue and committee rather than because of anything they were doing.
Ah well. And I'm starting to enjoy long complicated Eurogames rather
more than I did…
(I can't make the next one anyway, as it clashes with the renowned
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