I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly
Challenges. The
involved searching for the maximum product in a sequence, and
un-munging IPv4 addresses.
Given a list of 4 or more numbers, write a script to find the
contiguous sublist that has the maximum product. The length of the
sublist is irrelevant; your job is to maximize the product.
Input: [ 2, 5, -1, 3 ]
Output: [ 2, 5 ] which gives maximum product 10.
This combines two things for which I already have standard patterns:
"doubly iterate over a list" and "keep the maximum value and the
parameters used to generate it". All quite straightforward.
my ($mxp,$a,$b);
foreach my $ai (0..$#list) {
foreach my $bi ($ai..$#list) {
my $p=1;
map {$p*=$_} @list[$ai..$bi];
if (!defined $mxp || $p > $mxp) {
print join(' * ',@list[$a..$b]),' = ',$mxp,"\n";
Raku differs only in details of syntax.
You are given a string containing only digits (0..9). The string should have between 4 and 12 digits.
Write a script to print every possible valid IPv4 address that can be made by partitioning the input string.
For the purpose of this challenge, a valid IPv4 address consists of four “octets” i.e. A, B, C and D, separated by dots (.).
Each octet must be between 0 and 255, and must not have any leading zeroes. (e.g., 0 is OK, but 01 is not.)
Input: 25525511135,
And this ends up being a standard search with ring buffer. Each entry
consists of the octets approved so far, and any remaining matter at
the end. The remaining matter is parsed to see if a new octet can be
extract from it.
my @buf=([$in]);
while (my $t=shift @buf) {
my @l=@{$t};
my $r=pop @l;
if ($r eq '' && scalar @l == 4) {
print join('.',@l),"\n";
if (scalar @l >= 4) {
foreach my $fl (1..min(3,length($r))) {
my $a=substr($r,0,$fl);
One could do this bit with regular expressions, but this seemed
cleaner: the number is not greater than 255, and either it's zero or
it doesn't start with a zero.
if ($a <= 255 && ($a==0 || $a =~ /^[1-9]/)) {
my $b=substr($r,$fl);
push @buf,[@l,substr($r,0,$fl),$b];
I didn't do this one in Raku - that whole list-of-lists thing is a
pain, because the language keeps trying to be clever and infer what I
want. If I used Raku for anything other than these challenges, I'd
settle down and work out just how to get a plain old mutable list of
mutable lists with no sugar involved… but I don't, because while parts
of the language are great fun to use it's so curst slow as soon as it
gets down to anything useful.
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