More boardgames in the garden, warmer than last time in a minor heat wave.
We started with Ghost
Stories, my
first game of this version (as opposed to Last Bastion which I
played at Thirsty Meeples last November). OK, Antoine Bauza is not
Chinese, but this is the kung-fu film version of Chinese mythology
anyway; and I find generic western D&D-derived fantasy dull in the

Oh, we lost comprehensively of course. Those haunters will get you.

NMBR 9 (with two
sets to support five players), which I don't get out very often but
enjoy when I do.

Finally, Rallyman:
GT, which we
had to call for time but which I think the players were enjoying a
great deal.

And yes, this is the same phone camera and software and the same
slightly weird lighting as previous garden games photos. The different
is that rather than allow the camera's automatic white balance to take
effect I took raws, and let grown-up software on a proper computer
(ufraw) make its own decision about white balance. It's perhaps still
a little bluer than one perceives it, but distinctly better than the
equivalent camera-balanced version:

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