This Meetup-based
boardgames group remains on-line for the moment; as usual we got
together on Jitsi and then played some games on BoardGameArena.
First game was Room
25 that we tried
a few sessions back.

This time I took notes!

(I would have used emacs's org-mode, but if it has row and column
shift operations – what am I saying, it's emacs, I'm sure it does – I
don't know how to get at them.)
I have no idea whether the game wants you to take notes – it wasn't
as clear as it could have been about how much you can discuss, other
than "only the colour of a room you've looked into, not anything more
about it" – but in fully-cooperative mode it seemed to make sense. (If
games restrict communication, I really like them to be exact about
what's allowed and what isn't.)
But it was surprisingly good fun given the artificiality of the theme,
and we made it on the last possible action. Might try the hidden
traitor mode on some future occasion, but probably a few more games of
the "straight" version first…

Them on to 7
Wonders, which
almost everyone likes more than I do. To me it's a classic themeless
Euro: you have not to think about the ancient civilisation, and
instead reduce everything to abstract symbols that mean only what
their game effects are. Also, to be fair, I'm too lazy to spend the
time thinking about it to get good at it.

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