This Meetup-based
boardgames group remains on-line for the moment; as usual we got
together on Jitsi and then played some games on BoardGameArena.
We began with Legendary
which to me felt a bit like Augustus with the bits thrown in a
blender and taken out in a different order. I put a lot of effort into
getting a decent run, only to find out that I'd have had a lot more
points by putting the same effort into other things; another player
had hoped to finish with inventor improvements, only to find that the
bag randomly didn't throw up any of the right value in the final
phase. All a bit arbitrary, but light and fast-moving, and I wouldn't
mind playing it again.

Then a classic Euro, Thurn und
Very low interaction except for drafting cards other people want, and
I suspect this would reward card counting, at which I'm famously bad.
I did have fun, but it felt like a game that would reward knowing it
very well; I don't suppose I will play enough to reach even a basic
level of competence. (I just enjoy playing lots of different games…)

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