More boardgames played from home.
Most played again were Letter
where I'm just about staying in the top ten on BGA, and Rallyman:
GT, where
I'm… not. But one of the social gaming groups has started playing
again after the Christmas break.
Played a bit more
VOLT, mostly on a
whim. Yes, it doesn't have the long-term planning sophistication of
Robo Rally. But I can play three games of this in the same time as
one of that, and there's much less frustration.
Hokkaido to
check out Lee's solo rules (which, as he set out to achieve, do a
better job of emulating the multiplayer gameplay than the official
solo rules manage). Not really my sort of game, but still enjoyable.
Air, Land, &
Sea because
it's a quick simple enjoyable two-player game (though I'm sure this
TTS mod used to have more assets, like score counters and a rulebook).

Definitely a returning favourite for me; when I play it, I want to
play it more, and since it's on yucata I can usually find some
opposition at my sort of level.
One game of
Baseball Highlights:
in theory to finish last year's 10×10 but we didn't push ahead to get
it done in time.
Lemminge, which
feels to me unreasonably like Automobiles though it's not at all the
same sort of mechanic. There's something about the way the race map
morphs into a scoreboard in my mental picture of the game.
Onitama mostly
to try out a free on-line service –
which worked pretty well. (But since there's no registration or
anything, it really needs to be played in real time.) One day I'll
find enough people who want to play this to run a tournament. And/or
write a bot to handle turn-based games.
The first game of
Pandemic Legacy: Season
in a mode which removes most of my objections about paying for a
disposable game: unofficially, on Tabletop Simulator. Well, game 1 is
pretty much a normal game of Pandemic, which I don't especially
love, but with a twist that made things moderately interesting.
Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

And finally Whitehall
run as play-by-forum on
(Since the investigators have no information hidden from Jack, this
can be GMed by Jack's player, but I opened up that spot to someone
else.) Jack was arrested early in round 2. I still really enjoy this
game, a miniature version of Letters from Whitechapel that doesn't
overstay its welcome. Some day I'll get round to 3d-printing the other
two investigator figures (which you're supposed to borrow from an
expansion for a different game).
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