More boardgames played from home.
Top of the list is still
GT, at which
I'm still apparently pretty bad, but I'm having a good time with it.
Some more games of
including some expansion tracks; turn-based on BGA it loses much of
the fun that it had in the first (real-ish time) play, so while I may
well buy a copy and play it face to face I probably won't do more of
the turn-based play where most of my gaming happens at the moment.

Tycoon has
slowed down a bit; I'm now playing exclusively in Arena mode, which
has standard settings, including the constraint that players have to
challenge words they don't think are valid (rather than letting the
server's dictionary do it). And if running play-by-forum games has
taught me anything it's that each round trip between players and GM,
or in this case server, slows down the game. So rather than a single
player's turn being
- play word
- get an immediate rejection if it's not valid
- choose patent to buy
- choose letters to discard
it becomes
then at some later point once everyone else has checked in
- choose patent to buy
- choose letters to discard
and then two rounds of
- challenge, or not, someone else's word
Still enjoying the game, even if I can see where the luck comes in.
Some more
Lemminge on
BGA, where I won on the complicated track.

which I talk about more on the podcast, but in short: a fairly
abstract tile-layer that I really enjoy.
(Oh, yeah, the podcast. I'm doing a boardgaming
on yucata; as with Rallyman GT, I don't play well, but I have a good
I've been running new play-by-forum games of Flamme
Rouge – this
time with software assistance, as I've written a suite of programs to
do all the card-shuffling and calculations. (It's very suitable for
play-by-forum, because the interactive bits are all deterministic: you
send in your cards, you wait for everyone else to have sent in their
cards, they all get processed, you find out the new situation and get
a new hand, repeat.)

I've sorted out the licences of the various things I've used, and this
has now been released – blog post to follow.
More VOLT on BGA.
I'm happy to play multiple games of this in a way I've never been with
Robo Rally.
Pandemic Legacy: Season
not rushing through it – I'm still not a huge fan of core Pandemic and
I think I could burn out on this if I played too many games in quick
succession. I do enjoy what it's doing with that basic design, though.
And Alhambra as
part of a games evening. Turns out I'm really bad at this one…

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