This Meetup-based
boardgames group remains on-line for the moment; as usual we got
together on Jitsi and then played some games on BGA.
BGA has recently implemented
Abyss, presumably
getting permission to do so as a benefit of the Asmodée takeover, and
we played that; it was quite a fiddly interface. Even as someone who
knows first-hand just how much chaos the little round "pearls" in the
physical game can cause on a hard floor, I found myself missing them:
by its nature, this sort of basically two-dimensional on-line game
implementation loses any physicality or pleasure in its components in
favour of small flat pictures. The physical game feels lush; this
feels like just a great big stack of too-much-detail (as is standard
BGA practice, they used the original artwork, which is designed for
65x100mm cards for the Lords and 42×63mm for the Allies), and even
with the ridiculously high-resolution screen on my new laptop it
wasn't possible to fit in all the game elements at a reasonable size
the way you trivially can at a physical tabletop. And the enjoyment I
got this time, while certainly not zero, was rather less than what I
had from playing it face to face in 2014.

Anyway, on to more of The
where we finally managed mission 12 (the one with the random card pass
after the first play). Turns out that trumps are eligible for that
random card pass!. Fortunately I had a second trump.

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