This Meetup-based
boardgames group remains on-line for the moment; as usual we got
together on Jitsi and then played some games on BGA.
Trek 12 is
newish on BGA, a roll and write with a moderately interesting way of
placing the result of 2d6 (you can place higher, lower, difference,
sum or product of the roll, but only a limited number of each). But
you're basically just trying to make either lines of monotonically
increasing numbers or connected zones of the same number, and while we
enjoyed a second game I can't see myself rushing back to this.

Railroad Ink: Deep Blue
with the lake expansion (first time I've got any of the expansions
played in multiplayer mode). It went quite badly for me, but I had a
good time as I usually do. (More about this in the next More Games
Than Time.)

remarkably hard to wrangle in this interface; I don't remember the
shadings that distinguish one sort of card, and board icon, from
another being this subtle, even in a not-particularly-well-lit room
rather than on a well-calibrated computer screen. But it's a very
occasional sort of game for me anyway; I probably won't feel like
playing this again for another year or three.

And finally
The Crew: The Quest for Planet
making some progress on the five-player missions.
The next regular session is on the day when gathering restrictions are
currently being forecast to be removed in England. Whatever one thinks
of that, and even assuming it happens, I can't see us wanting to go to
a pub on the same day the world and his mask-denying dog feel obliged
to cram into it and breathe down each other's necks.
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