More boardgames played from home, and on a small expedition that
didn't get a blog post of its own.
Onitama seems to
be a game people are prepared to talk about again, and I still have my
copy. One physical play, and a few on BGA where I was invited to try
an alpha; it's now gone into side-wide beta. This continues to be my
favourite chesslike game, indeed one of the few that I actively enjoy,
in part because the span from realising one's messed up to actually
losing is usually very short.

Incidentally there's also a live-play
site, though you'll need to do your
own opponent matching and chat: one person starts a game and gives the
URL to the other player.
on yucata. I lose a lot but I enjoy it.
Rallyman for the
ongoing championships…

Baseball Highlights:
which, while it is soloable and works well in that mode, I definitely
prefer multi-player.

Lemminge on
yucata, but I hope finally to own it in physical form soon.
Nations for the
podcast (it's a bold move for a civilisation-building game not to have
a map, but I think it makes sense)…

not yet published, but there's a moderately secret site for trying it
out. Not completely sure I could reliably play it yet without the code
preventing illegal moves, though I'll be paying attention.
Rallyman: GT
for a demo game and ongoing championships.
Raptor, which
somehow I missed when it came out. Light asymmetric two-player game,
with some luck but also interesting tactics.

Tea Time newly
on BGA, not deep but a pleasing diversion.

And some BGA alpha games that don't count as plays because for
whatever reason we didn't finish the game, but…
Talon: very rough
with some browser-dependent bugs, but I like this a lot and will
certainly be trying it more if I can't get some face-to-face games in.

Potion Explosion: The Fifth
still some major bugs here too.

Burgle Bros.
which seemed to be working all right but I'm afraid I've rather fallen
out of my enthusiasm for this one. I found I just had no desire to
take my copy off the shelf to play it. So I sold it.

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