I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved Pythagorean triples and binary trees. (Note that
this is open until 15 August 2021.)
TASK #1 › Pythagorean Triples
You are given a positive integer $N
Write a script to print all Pythagorean Triples containing $N
as a member. Print -1 if it can’t be a member of any.
Triples with the same set of elements are considered the same, i.e.
if your script has already printed (3, 4, 5), (4, 3, 5) should not
be printed.
A Pythagorean triple refers to the triple of three integers whose
lengths can compose a right-angled triangle.
I don't like polymorphic return types, so if there are no valid
triangles containing the number I just return an empty list.
My first approach to this used an exhaustive search based on
but while s
can be scanned from 1 to n
, t
might become
arbitrarily large.
So instead I use Barning's
to generate all primitive triples where at least one value is not
greater than n
, and see if they fit. This could be done recursively
but I used my standard BFS pattern. I'll show this in the Ruby version
for maximum clarity.
def pt(n)
is my output list. tri
is the rolling buffer onto which
candidate triangles will be pushed.
while (tri.length>0) do
Pull the first candidate off the buffer. (If there's nothing left,
return it.)
For each of its three sides, see if that one is an even divisor of
. (The matrices generate only the primitive, i.e. smallest
integral, triplets.) If it is, scale it up appropriately, and put that
on the output.
0.upto(2) do |i|
if dm[1]==0 then
out.push(t.map{|i| i*dm[0]})
If any of the sides is not greater than n
, use Barning's matrices to
make three new candidate triangles and push them onto the buffer. (I
think, but have not proved, that the minimum value in an output will
always be no smaller than the minimum in the corresponding input.)
if t.min <= n then
return out
I didn't do this one in Raku (it's painfully hard to get a list of
lists), or in PostScript (I'm working on helper functions to give me
variable-length arrays with push, pop, etc.). But at least there is no
floating-point arithmetic.
TASK #2 › Binary Tree Diameter
You are given binary tree as below:
Write a script to find the diameter of the given binary tree.
The diameter of a binary tree is the length of the longest path
between any two nodes in a tree. It doesn’t have to pass through the
(This was modified to make it clear that the path length is the number
of edges, not the number of nodes.)
Well, if you're going to make it easy…
The example gives the actual path, but all that the question asks for
is the length, and I find binary trees fairly uninteresting.
Again, this could be done recursively: the diameter of a node is the
maximum of (the sum of the depths of both subnodes), (the diameter of
the left subnode) and (the diameter of the right subnode), where the
depth is the length of the path from this node to the bottommost (in
turn that's the larger of the depths of the subnodes, + 1). But since
each of those calculations only refers to subnodes of the current
node, I took an iterative approach instead.
I'm using the same array
notation for the
tree that I've used before. Because the tree is sparse, I use value 0
to represent an empty node.
sub btd {
my $tree=shift;
my $st=scalar @{$tree};
Build depth and diameter arrays for each node, initialised to 0.
my @depth=(0) x $st;
my @diameter=(0) x $st;
Walk backwards through the array. (When one's used to the
convenience of the simple for
-form, having to remember this one can
be a bit of a stretch, for all it's basically the same syntax as C.)
for (my $i=$st-1;$i>=0;$i--) {
If there's a node here at all (if there isn't, depth and diameter
remain at 0)…
if ($tree->[$i] != 0) {
Subnode indices are cached to save repeated multiplications.
my $a=$i*2+1;
my $b=$a+1;
If we potentially have subnodes, i.e. we're not running off the end of
the array…
if ($b < $st) {
Then calculate depth and diameter based on those subnodes.
Otherwise this is a node with no subnodes, so its depth is 1.
} else {
And that's all there is to it. So I get the straightforwardness of the
individual calculation that might go in a recursive approach, and the
speed of iterative coding.
return $diameter[0];
It does rely on my having a simple iterator that addresses all nodes;
if I had to start at a root node and search for each child in a normal
pattern of descent, it might well make more sense to use a different
This one did come together nicely in PostScript. Of course I do need
to define a max
function, since that isn't in the PostScript v3
standard (though it seems to exist in the GhostScript interpreter).
(Yeah, when I get into roll
-level stack manipulation I like to work
it out in detail…)
/max2 {
dup % a b b
3 2 roll % b b a
dup % b b a a
3 1 roll % b a b a
lt { exch} if
} def
Then it's pretty much the routine as before.
/btd {
/tree exch def
/st tree length def
Build two zero-filled arrays of length st
/depth st array def
/diameter st array def
0 1 st 1 sub {
depth exch 0 put
diameter exch 0 put
} for
Downward loops are easy.
st 1 sub 1 neg 0 {
/i exch def
tree i get 0 ne {
/a i 2 mul 1 add def
/b a 1 add def
b st lt {
depth i depth a get depth b get max2 1 add put
We get rhetorical here – this line links up with the put
four lines
diameter i
depth a get depth b get add
diameter a get
diameter b get
max2 max2 put
} {
depth i 1 put
} ifelse
} if
} for
diameter 0 get
} def
Full code on
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