I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved finding submatrices and counting trains. (Note that this is
open until 5 September 2021.)
TASK #1 › Maximum Sub-Matrix
You are given m x n binary matrix having 0 or 1.
Write a script to find out maximum sub-matrix having only 0.
In other words, return the "maximum" rectangle that contains only 0
values. I chose to interpret "maximum" as the one with the largest
area. Here's the Raku.
sub msm(@m) {
Establish the dimensions of the matrix.
my $y=@m.elems;
my $x=@m[0].elems;
Maximum submatrix found so far: its area and dimensions. (Since it'll
only contain 0 values, I will store just the dimensions, and recreate
it at the end.)
my $mxa=0;
my @oc;
Any spot in the matrix might be the top left corner of the largest
block of zeroes.
for (0..$y-1) -> $yi {
for (0..$x-1) -> $xi {
…well, as long as it contains a zero itself.
if (@m[$yi][$xi]==0) {
Now I'm going to find the sizes of all the rectangles anchored on this
this point. In each row, I iterate to the end, looking for a non-zero
value. I stuff into @rl
the minimum of (this row's count of zeroes)
and (the lowest count of zeroes I've found so far). So the first entry
in @rl
will be the width of the N × 1 rectangle of zeroes anchored
with (xi,yi)
at top left, the second entry the width of the N × 2
rectangle, and so on.
my @rl;
my $mrl=$x-$xi;
for ($yi..$y-1) -> $yj {
for ($xi..min($xi+$mrl,$x)-1) -> $xj {
if (@m[$yj][$xj] != 0) {
push @rl,$mrl;
So then I iterate through that list, derive the areas, and if there's
a larger one than I already have, store that as the canonical largest
area. (I'm using >=
because one of the examples had both a 2×3 and a
3×2 as valid answers, but the 3×2, found later, is what's wanted.)
(And yes, I could have done this in the earlier loop, but that
happened not to be the way I thought when I was writing it.)
for (0..@rl.end) -> $n {
if (@rl[$n]>0) {
my $a=@rl[$n]*($n+1);
if ($a >= $mxa) {
Finally, build the actual array of zeroes that's asked for.
my @o;
for (1..@oc[1]) -> $y {
push @o,[0 xx @oc[0]];
return @o;
TASK #2 › Minimum Platforms
You are given two arrays of arrival and departure times of trains at
a railway station.
Write a script to find out the minimum number of platforms needed so
that no train needs to wait.
I've seen variants of this before, but usually with a series of tuples
of (arrival time, departure time). Let's do this one in Perl.
sub mp {
and da
are my arrival and departure time arrays.
my ($aa,$da)=@_;
I'm going to build an event list in e
my %e;
An arrival has an event value of +1
, a departure of -1
change in number of occupied platforms). The code for processing them
is otherwise the same.
foreach my $p ([$aa,1],[$da,-1]) {
For each timestamp in the list,
foreach my $tm (@{$p->[0]}) {
Parse it.
if ($tm =~ /([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/) {
Store the event value, keyed with the numerical value of the
timestamp. (This could be done with a string key instead, but then I'd
have to validate for single-digit hours.)
So I now have a series of events, +1
for a train arriving and -1
for it departing. (If there's an arrival and a departure at the same
moment, they'll cancel out; possibly not ideal, but the behaviour in
this case is unspecified.)
I run through these in time order, adding one to pt
(platforms in
use) when a train arrives and subtracting one when it departs. The
maximum value is the number of platforms needed.
my $pt=0;
my $pm=0;
foreach my $ts (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %e) {
if ($pt > $pm) {
return $pm;
Full code on
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