RogerBW's Blog

Interfacing with rtorrent over Unix sockets 20 October 2021

The torrent client rtorrent is the best I've found that runs on Unix systems, but its built-in logic is somewhat lacking. Fortunately one can extend this.

For example, it can say "seed until you've uploaded twice as much as you downloaded, then stop seeding", which is fair enough. But I compromise between kindness and disc space; if I've downloaded something very unpopular (such as an old Linux distro that nobody else wants any more) I'd like to reduce the ratio at which I'll stop seeding, and after a couple of months I probably don't want to keep it around at all. Meanwhile anything that has reached its ratio can be deleted from the server. (I've already set up logic within rtorrent that hard-links completed downloads to somewhere else, for downloading from the remote torrenting machine to archive storage.)

But that's OK, rtorrent has a remote control interface. There's some documentation on this at the rtorrent wiki, but it assumes that you want to link from a Unix domain socket to a web server endpoint, which you then have to secure, and then plug in something to that that talks HTTP/TCP. Other documentation I've found makes the same assumption. I wanted a simpler approach, just talking to the socket directly from a program running under the same userid on the same machine.

First you need to tell rtorrent to create a listening socket. This needs an explicit path; obviously change this to somewhere that exists on your filesystem. (^x gets you a command prompt within rtorrent, and/or add this to your ~/.rtorrent.rc.)

network.scgi.open_local = /home/roger/rtorrent/rpc.socket

Now you need to talk to it. This is where other documentation goes off into web servers and mod_scgi and other such stuff. No need for any of that! I did it in Perl, but basically anything that can talk to a Unix socket will work, so rather than go into details of my code I'll just talk about the algorithm.

So in your language of choice: connect to the socket (you may need to specify that it's a SOCK_STREAM).

The commands you'll be sending are in XML-RPC, wrapped up in SCGI. In Perl at least, while there are modules to deal with all these things, they tend to assume that you'll be using an HTTP transport and a web server rather than a socket, so I ended up doing it the straightforward way.

So start with your command, as it might be "download_list" "" (using a blank parameter to specify the "main" view). Turn that into a lump of XML like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

(XML-RPC has other parameter data types, but rtorrent appears to accept everything as strings.)

That's the request body; let's say it's 179 characters long. Now that gets formatted as an SCGI request, which starts as a series of key-value pairs. The minimal version might look like:


Turn these into a single string, with a NUL after each key and value.


Now netstring-encode it: prepend it with its total length (just this header block, ignoring the request body) in decimal digits, and a colon separator.


Append to that string a comma, then the request body. Send all that in one lump to the socket.

You'll get back a series of lines (terminated with CR LF); the first blank line indicates the end of the headers, and everything after that should be XML. You can parse this properly if you have a convenient XMLRPC decoder, but for these purposes you can just use a generic XML parser and snag the contents of every string or i8 node (it may emit other types which I haven't yet seen). In the case of this download_list command, you'll get a list of strings with hashes of the torrents that rtorrent knows about.

I found that sending further commands to the socket left it unresponsive, so I open and close a new socket connection for each command. There is probably a better way of doing this.

Sending system.listMethods will list every call that the system supports. There's very little documentation beyond the source code, but ones that apply to individual torrent downloads start with d. and take the hash as (first?) parameter; some useful ones are:

  • - the torrent's name
  • d.base_path - full path to download
  • d.complete - 1 if it's complete, 0 if not
  • d.ratio - 1000× the upload ratio
  • d.state - 1 if running, 0 if not
  • d.timestamp-started - unixtime when the download began
  • d.timestamp-finished - unixtime when the download completed
  • d.erase - remove the torrent from the client (not deleting its files, you can do that in your own code)
  • d.close - make the torrent inactive in the client
Tags: computing

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