RogerBW's Blog

Polyglot Programming 09 January 2022

I've got up to nine programming languages for The Weekly Challenge (formerly the Perl Weekly Challenge). Why am I doing this? (And is it just envy of Abigail, who usually does 14 or more? I don't think so.)

For quite a while now I've felt that the best way to learn a language is to have some sort of relatively simple problem that I can use as an excuse and endpoint. Most of what I write is single-task programs: take some input, process it in specific ways, produce output, so even quite small programs can be useful – and graphical interfaces are often the most complex bits of a program to get right, but working from the command line lets me ignore those. And the Weekly Challenges are an ongoing stream of relatively simple problems that exercise different bits of the programmer's problem-solving toolkit.

Most of the languages I've added are ones with which I wanted to get some level of familiarity. For example, I've been noodling around with Rust for a few years on and off, but doing a Rust problem every week lets me keep most of my knowledge of it in readily-accessible memory, and encourages me gradually to delve more deeply into it. (And as a result, I had enough ability in it to use it for all of last year's Advent of Code.)

Similarly, Ruby is the native language for Discourse plugins, and ends up feeling very much like Perl taken to the next level (in fact more than Raku does). If it weren't also noticeably slower than Perl I might switch to it for some of my scripting needs.

Kotlin is the preferred language for Android app development (also I've never used a JRE-based language before); Lua is widely used for embedding in other things, most specifically for my purposes in Tabletop Simulator, for which I've already done quite a bit of mod building and I could use the ability to have actual code running in there; and JavaScript is still an ugly mess, but it's the easiest way of writing code that other people can run on their computers without doing complicated things like installing a language runtime.

It's a lot easier to learn the Nth language than the (N-1)st. On New Year's Day I'd never written JavaScript beyond the most trivial; two days later, thanks largely to David Flanagan's JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, I'd written a dice roller with logging, memories to store commonly-used rolls, etc. The whole thing runs out of that single web page. (There are no graphical resources, either: the die symbols, arrows, etc., are all Unicode characters that modern browsers should already be able to render without effort.)

I don't really have a similar excuse for learning Python, except that it's very widely used and it's helpful to me to be able to read Python code (and potentially build things on top of useful Python modules written by other people). I'm helped in this because I can start cleanly with Python3 rather than having to un-learn habits from Python2. I still find it oddly irksome in the way that it mixes functions (such as len(x)) with methods (such as x.append(y)), using the leading function syntax if it's a concept that applies to more than one sort of thing, whereas e.g. Ruby will say that lots of things have lengths, therefore lots of things will have a .length() method. Also, while I can live with the compulsory indentation, I do find the lack of anything like a closing brace makes it harder to read code if multiple loops or blocks are finishing at once – my only clue to that is the number of levels of whitespace.

I have even less excuse for the other languages. There is basically no utilitarian point to writing programs in PostScript; it's very primitive (lacking e.g. variable-length arrays), it's hard to interface to other things, and it's quite slow. On the other hand it's the most readily available stack-based language (I already have GhostScript installed on many machines as part of a PostScript/PDF rendering chain), and thinking in terms of a stack rather than simply stuffing everything into variables forces me into a useful mental flexibility.

Indeed, I've noticed since I started this that Perl, which has really good implementations of regular expressions and hashes (associative arrays), tends to push you into using combinations of those two things. Rust in particular has a much richer array of specialised data structures, and there's a bit more friction using its hashes and regexps, so one starts to think about which particular representation would do best rather than merely using the standard way to write stuff.

So that just leaves Perl and Raku, the "official" languages of the Challenge. I've got twenty years' experience of doing stuff in Perl, and I'm not throwing that away; it's still my default language for small useful programs that I want running right now. I'm still not really sure whom or what Raku is meant to be for, now that it's no longer the next major version of Perl: it has a bunch of flashy features that Perl doesn't, but mostly so do Python and Rust, and while it's getting faster it's still very slow.

What I find that I forget, transferring from one language to another, is the little syntactic details; this is the language in which I have to write for (let pc of p) { rather than for (pc in p) or for j,pc in ipairs(p) do or for @pc -> $p { or p.each do |pc|. That's also what I really want a reference book to tell me about: not "this is what a condition test is" but "this is what a condition test looks like in this language". Which is why JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is pretty much the best book for me to learn the language: my questions tend to be of the form "I know there's a way of getting a slice of a string, so show me all the string methods and what they do" rather than "give me ten pages of waffle about strings which includes examples of some of the string methods". Similarly, the Lua Reference Manual, which mostly lists the details of the various built-in operators and functions, is much more useful to me than Programming in Lua, which straddles what for me are two distinct tasks, "learn to program" and "learn Lua".

When I start a Weekly Challenge problem, I first think about it in a fairly abstracted way: for example, this will need a list of prime numbers, but the solution is bounded by list size rather than maximum prime, so I need some way of going from the ordinal value to something like the actual value of the prime. Or that will most neatly be done by a fraction class with methods for setting values in and out, and for getting a parent fraction. It's only after that that I settle down to write code, and the solution takes on the flavour of the particular language I'm using; to encourage my technical polyglottism, I'm now randomly selecting the order of languages in which I tackle each week's problems, because having written one solution I tend to translate the code rather than go back to basics.

From memory, languages I've used before this: on the VIC-20, CBM Basic; on the BBC Micro, BBC Basic and Acornsoft C, and a bit of 6502 assembly; IBM Basic, briefly; Fast Basic and GfA Basic on the Atari ST (both of these abandoning line numbers because you now had the idea of loading a program from a file as part of the process of running it rather than these being separate actions, and GfA could even compile to machine code); Rexx under DOS, and AWK under DOS and Linux. I don't count DOS batch files or bash scripting; I can manage the very basics, but for anything more than a trivial program I move to something else simply to get away from any possibility of shell-escaping problems. But mostly it was Perl for a very long time, and now I have more options.

  1. Posted by Sam M at 02:55pm on 09 January 2022

    My history is, in order and as best as I can term member it

    Turing C VIsual Basic 6 (we needed the classes and OOP for the game we were making) C++ Java PHP And finally R

    For the longest time, PHP has been my go to for solving issues. But my issues have all been web/database things.

    It's good to break out and learn R. PERL/Rust next I think.

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 03:14pm on 09 January 2022

    As we were discussing face to face, while I still like Perl a great deal, it wouldn't necessarily be my first choice for a new project now, simply because there are other languages that do things better: Python has the massive library of useful modules that Perl had, Rust runs much faster and is easier to debug (though admittedly harder to write in the first place), and both of them have e.g. iterators and other things that let you do functional programming a bit more cleanly than Perl's map{} ever managed.

  3. Posted by Owen Smith at 08:08pm on 09 January 2022

    Given what you say about books, if you you ever want to learn C I recommend C: A Reference Manual by Harbison and Steele. It does what it says on the tin. I strongly recommend against learning C from Kernigan & Ritchie, it teaches so many bad habits and isn't a reference manual.

    The idea of finding a simple problem to solve to learn a new language definitely helps. At work I'm supposed to learn Python (horrid dual 2 and 3 code) but the reason is to write tests, and the problem is the test system layers more complexity on than the Python language itself. I have managed some Python for standalone utilities, it's the test system that defeats me. And there is no way to write a simple test, the test system appears to ensure everything has to be complicated.

    On the subject of Python itself it has some problems for me:

    1) I hate the mandatory indenting (made worse by lack of closing brace), for a start you can't run Python source through the C pre-processor which is something I've done with a significant number of other languages and even Makefiles.

    2) There's too much language churn, late versions of Python 3 are already obsoleting early Python 3 features. This basically means a Python project is either in active development or is dead, the middle ground of a mature system that just keeps working for 5 years with little attention just can't exist with Python because the versions it runs under will be de-supported and banned by IT for security reasons.

    3) You can't have truly private data in Python. You can put as many underscores on something as you like but that does't stop external code from reaching in and messing with it. This makes it a language for throwing together crappy little scripts, not a language for writing professional large scale systems.

  4. Posted by RogerBW at 08:11pm on 09 January 2022

    For what it's worth I'm using unittest for Python and that seems fairly straightforward. Of course you may be (and probably are) already bound to a different testing framework.

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