I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved word selections and manipulations. (Note that this is
open until 24 April 2022.)
Task 1:
An abecedarian word is a word whose letters are arranged in
alphabetical order. For example, "knotty" is an abecedarian word,
but "knots" is not. Output or return a list of all abecedarian words
in the dictionary, sorted in decreasing order of length.
My polyglot approach means I need to find out how to read standard
input (or a file) in each of the various languages. Javascript and
PostScript can't manage line by line, but the rest can.
Then it's a matter of testing each word. Regular expressions would be
the obvious way, but they're slow, even in Perl (here's a one-liner in
bash, without the length sort).
grep ^$(echo {a..z}\*|sed -e 's/ //g')$
So instead I compare each pair of adjacent characters and break out of
the loop if an earlier one has a higher numerical value than a later
one. (There are no character sets in common use now that have gaps in
the A-Z sequence…)
my @b;
while (<>) {
my @a=split '',$_;
my $u=1;
foreach my $i (0..$#a-1) {
if ($a[$i] gt $a[$i+1]) {
if ($u) {
push @b,$_;
Then sort by length. Everything I use can take a custom comparison
function for its built-in sort, except the Quicksort library I wrote
for PostScript - so I'd better fix that.
print map {"$_\n"} sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} @b;
Python's pairwise
only shows up in 3.10 (October 2021) so still
isn't in Debian/stable.
I do not pry: a chin hit is not a dirty blow, bell or not.
Task 2:
A pangram is a sentence or phrase that uses every letter in the
English alphabet at least once. For example, perhaps the most well
known pangram is:
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Using the provided dictionary, so that you don't need to include
individual copy, generate at least one pangram.
Your pangram does not have to be a syntactically valid English
sentence (doing so would require far more work, and a dictionary of
nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions). Also note that
repeated letters, and even repeated words, are permitted.
I decided to be moderately efficient. Here's the Ruby:
Forward and reverse lookup tables:
f = {}
r = {}
Each word gets a hash value to indicate which letters it contains: if
it has an a
, we set bit 0, b
, bit 1, etc. (We store only the
shortest word for each hash value, so "erase" would be used rather
than "erasers".)
while line = gets
line = line.chomp
b = 1
v = 0
"a".upto("z") do |l|
if !line.index(l).nil? then
v |= b
b <<= 1
if !r.has_key?(v) || r[v].length > line.length then
The final output will have at least one of each letter – i.e. the
combined hash value will be (1) × 26
. It starts at zero.
w = []
lt = (1 << 26) - 1
lu = [0]
while (lu[-1] != lt) do
wn = ""
If we've already got one or more words, we look through the list.
if (w.length > 0) then
mode = 0
sc = []
r.each_key do |wv|
For each candidate word, if it has no letters in common with what's
already in the output, that's a first class candidate. (Delete the
list of second-class candidates, if any, and don't add any more.)
if (wv & lu[-1]) == 0 then
if mode == 0 then
mode = 1
sc = []
Otherwise, if it has at least one letter that we don't already have,
it's a second class candidate.
elsif mode == 0 && (wv | lu[-1]) != lu[-1] then
If we have any candidates, pick one at random – otherwise back out of
the last word and try a different one.
if sc.length == 0 then
wn = sc[rand(sc.length)]
If we don't already have one or more words, just pick one at random.
sc = f.keys
wn = sc[rand(sc.length)]
If we have a new word, then update both the list and the current hash
if wn != "" then
lu.push(lu[-1] | f[wn])
print(w.join(" ") + "\n")
Ideally then I'd go back over the list, to see if any of the earlier
words could be removed without compromising the pangram, but I found
myself feeling lazy. Other suggestions were to generate pangrams of
only abecedarian words (just feed it the output from task 1 in place
of a dictionary file), produce the shortest possible pangram or
pangrams where each word would add just one new letter (which could be
done with this code, but would need bit-counting), etc.
This was fairly easy to write in various languages, though I was
bitten by Raku and its special bitwise operators, different from any
other language. (All right, Lua uses "or" rather than "|", but if I
use "|" in Lua it doesn't accept it without question and then do the
wrong things with it. Apparently "|" on its own "creates an any
Junction from its arguments" which seems to be a thing Raku
enthusiasts want to do.)
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