This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues to meet twice a month. (But the pub has
started to have a quiz every Monday night, so we're moving to a new
venue nearby.)
We started with an early Bruno Cathala (and collaborators) game
from 2007,
Jamaica; to my
refined boardgaming sensibility (ho ho), it's showing its age a bit as
one of the early pushes of eurogames into the more general hobbyist
games market. Roll dice and pick the order in which they'll be used;
play a card from a very limited selection, with a first and a second
action, and everyone else plays a card from their own selections. It
could almost be a roll-and-write, except for the interaction: what
with the rules on ship holds, and the randomness of dice and card
draws, I felt I had very little meaningful choice to make, and no way
to build up resources. (On the other hand, we did finish pretty much
in order of general skill at games, so it's not entirely random.) Not
offensive, but I wouldn't choose to play it again.

Then a couple of rounds of The Crew: The Quest for Planet
It is what it is; it doesn't seem to have many surprises left.

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