At the start of October I went back to Internationale Spieltage SPIEL,
or "Essen" as it's generally known in the boardgaming world.
The last one I got to was in 2019; 2020 was cancelled, and while
2021 did happen I didn't think it worth the risk. This year's show was
fully masked (there were some people making exceptions of themselves,
but very few), and I went back.
I was working for Indie Game Studios again, and arrived on the
Wednesday to help with setup. We've previously been in hall 3, but
this year took a step up to hall 2, with rather more passing traffic.

I love the feel of the show outside opening hours, during setup or
before we start for the day.

The first game I demonstrated was
Dulce, a
multiplayer solitaire engine-building game with some unfortunate
visual design choices (the four non-white colours of cube need to be
matched to particular coloured spots on the game board and tiles), but
one that has some interesting tweaks – and a chicken meeple per player
(when you would otherwise waste resources, you can feed them to the
chicken, and later extract eggs). Not perhaps a tower of originality,
and the theme is only loosely attached, but still good fun.

At the time I had no idea what these people were promoting. (But I'm
an old-fashioned sort of chap; if you ring a handbell near me, my
first thought is that you have the plague.)

I also showed off some Aeon's End:
and a couple of games of
Quest – which
feels very much like "Avalon 2.0" on first exposure, making some
tweaks to the game beyond what could easily be done with expansion
content. (I still prefer The Resistance's framing, but there isn't a
version of this game in that setting.)
Seeing the show on Thursday afternoon:
Layers, in which
you have to assemble cards (with holes in them) to match an image…

And Unconscious
kickstarting soon, loosely based on the early days of psychiatry
(though no mention that most of Freud's theories were based on not
believing how much incestuous rape his female patients reported, so he
assumed it must be some sort of psychological disturbance causing them
to make things up).

Rallyman DIRT
at Holy Grail Games. It's getting closer!

Null Signal (formerly Project Nisei)
cards. I don't need another two-player duelling game, so please buy my
copy of Sakura Arms.

In principle I already knew that
was from part of the Asmodée private-equity-fund-owned monolith, but
when I saw this massive demo area for it I lost all my enthusiasm for
buying it. (Also Asmodée never sell below retail price at Essen, or
include extras; they're relying on you wanting the thing right now.
I have enough games for right now. I can wait.)

The other game I showed off, Terraforming Mars: The Dice
– a prototype with 3d-printed dice. For me this fixes many of the
things that cause TM not to appeal: cards mostly don't have
prerequisites, so you aren't forced to commit to a plan without any
way of causing it to succeed, and if nothing else is working for you
you can always draw more dice. It's still on
until Thursday afternoon (UK time), though the postage is a bit steep
to the UK; if I'm working here next year I'll probably buy it with
booth credit.

A rare view through the courtyard during setup on Saturday.

Essen crows.

On Saturday night at the Dice and Mystics meetup, I played
Findorff, which
is not at all the game it appears to be: the map is almost irrelevant
except to track the game timer, and most of the play happens on one's
private board. But unlike many games of the Brown Euro genre, it
didn't drag on, and I even made a creditable showing.

We showed off
AuZtralia: I
avoided demoing this, because Martin Wallace designs and I don't
really get on, but other people had a good time with it.

Sunday morning: modified film posters!

Gaming terrain!

Blinded battleship-hunting!

A racing game I've never heard of! Not that I'm particularly an expert
on racing games, but I do seem to play quite a lot of them.

coming soon from Godot Games (makers of Human Punishment). They also
had a huge prequel boardgame to HP.

The most important thing to eat at Essen, a spiral fried potato.

Open Bricks. I have no idea how good they are – at least some of the
expense of actual LegoⓇ comes from the cost of the very fine
manufacturing tolerances – but I like the idea.

I'd been planning to try playing Mountains out of
but it wasn't available for demo, just locked in a glass case.

Axe throwing was available.

This looks intriguing: fully co-op, scenario-based.

Can't remember what this dragon was for. Didn't seem to be related to
any particular game.

This game was originally, in theory, going to be available at
Essen 2019. It was still only in the demo stage.

Across the alley from my hotel, in case of late-night peckishness.

A French supermarket sandwich. This is why we need to be in Europe.

The final haul (not counting things bought or picked up for other
people). Quest and fully-expanded Avalon in a single box; Dulce (ex
demo copy); Path of Light & Shadow and its Solstice expansion, bought
with demo pay as it looks intriguing and one of my fellow
demonstrators was enthusing about it; Netrunner cards; and the Folded
Space insert for Rallyman GT, an unexpected gift from the publisher.
Also a set of dice from Chessex for use with Xia: d6, d8, d12 and d20
in each of the five player colours.

The other part of the Essen haul.

Other planned things that didn't happen in the end:
I'd thought about getting Spirit Island, but there was no show
I'd planned to try Turing Machine but it got lost in the Asmolith.
I had a look at demos of Septima and Astra, both from Mindclash
Games, but did't get enthused. I'd still really like to play
Septima before I buy it; Astra I think I've probably seen enough
to decide against.
Riftforce Beyond wasn't available anywhere.
Spaceship Unity was apparently for sale, but the only demos were
big formal events and I really need to know more about this before
committing myself.
I'm still interested in Roll Camera but again I think I need to
play a full game to work out whether I'll want to buy it.
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