Back in the Usual Pub with ten of us playing various games.
We started with Hidden
four players – not helped I think by having two necromancers playing
one after the other, so they managed to get rid of most of the cards
that would move markers downwards. I'm still not entirely convinced
about the level of skill here, though I may just not be seeing it. A
little frustrating, but I still had a good time.

On to Realm of
Sand, a game I
always think should have been more popular than it was; as it is I
almost always play the basic mode without individual player powers,
because I'm usually with people who haven't played before. (We dropped
in a fifth player who turned up at the last moment, and I don't think
this broke the game at all.)

Finally, after some shuffling of players,
Furnace, which
I've been keen on trying for a while. I really like the auction
mechanism, and the engine-building aspect; this may well be a game
that I buy at some point.

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