Another gathering for Xia: Legends of a Drift System.
Yes, all right, it took four and a half hours for a 15-point game
with four player-entities (two of them were teams). But I think we all
had a really good time.
It doesn't take as much setup as Firefly, where I'd be laying out
all the ships and starting money before people arrived, partly because
there's less to do before play starts and partly because choosing
ships and initial gear is part of the game.

I 3d-printed a storage solution I found on
Thingiverse, then noticed
that one sort of token didn't have a storage slot – so I fixed
it. I'm very keen on the
slotted ship holders, and on the cargo cube trays that lock together
to make a base for the economy board.

I had a great first turn with the Swamp Rat (6-drive and GTS, 6-shield
and Enviro Shield) – starting at #3 Azure, I blind-jumped into five
sectors, scooping up their exploration tokens. Then I made the same
circuit again in reverse after the Grand Prix event came up.

Others had different approaches – going off into their own corners, or
hanging around near the centre for pirate-hunting. (Or was that
pirate, hunting? So hard to tell.)

That gap in the map turned out to be the damaged Tigris Gate, so yes
thank you I shall have another fame point.

None of us got titles, but I was on my way to take advantage of a
cargo prohibition (fame for selling lots of the banned cargo, and it
was next on my 4-cube trade route) when I picked up a lost captain and
found it easier to turn them in for the fame than to go three more
sectors for the goods sale. Combined with four hoarded exploration
tokens, that gave me the win.

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