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Answers for the Princess Charlotte General Knowledge Paper 2022 17 January 2023

Here are the answers to last year's quiz.

1. In 1922:

  1. What did President Harding bring into the White House, the first time this had been done? [A radio]
  2. Who was born, only to be killed by an adder in 1945? [Lothar Sieber; Bachem Ba 349]
  3. What was redenominated, with 10,000 of the old buying one of the new? [Soviet ruble]
  4. Who first played a role he'd reprise sixteen years later with Flynn? [Alan Hale Sr as Little John in Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood]
  5. Which future SOE liaison and heavy metal vocalist was born in Belgravia? [Christopher Lee]
  6. What first near Grandvilliers would all seven people involved rather had not happened? [First ever mid-air collision]
  7. Which child star would never grow up? [Bobby Connelly, died at 13]
  8. Who sought harmony (and money) near Fontainebleau? [Gurdjieff, founded the second Institute of the Harmonious Development of Man]
  9. What protest against pay cuts was only ended by making protest illegal? [USA, Great Railroad Strike of 1922; Daugherty Injunction]
  10. Which short-lived joint venture by Metropolitan Vickers, GE, Thomson-Houston and others was formed, later to give rise to a longer-lasting institution with the same initials? [British Broadcasting Company]

2. [Dick Francis]

  1. Whose attempt to breathe compost would be bad news for the geranium cuttings? [Moira Pembroke, Hot Money]
  2. If you're going to plant two fusées and throw another one through the window, why do you need a fourth? [In case of bears, The Edge]
  3. Why did shampoo cause a fractured skull? [Selenium used to damage foals, Banker]
  4. How did the sheikh die at the party in the marquee? [Runaway horsebox, Proof]
  5. Whose life was endangered by luminous paint and his own instructions? [John Kendall, Longshot]
  6. Whose murderous ambition was revealed through the difference between a rabbet and a raceway? [Rebecca Stratton, Decider]
  7. Whose father chose to drive a metallic coffee-coloured Range Rover with silver and gold coloured flowers along the sides? [Benedict Juliard, 10lb Penalty]
  8. Who progressed from a telephone tap on a country chimney, via a film-editing suite in Hammersmith, to a stun-gun in a Curzon Street restaurant? [Christmas (Kit) Fielding, Break In]
  9. How did the wrong sort of blue pictures lead to multiple murders? [the blue pictures were not pornography and were worth millions to the wrong person, Slay Ride]
  10. Who discovered that flame and a dog-whistle worked when dope didn't? [Daniel Roke, For Kicks]

3. In 1822:

  1. Who was fatally let down by the great lover? [Percy Bysshe Shelley]
  2. What voted, after nearly two hundred years, to urbanise? [Boston, Massachusetts]
  3. What successful pilot project was expanded to build a full-sized item, only to be abandoned twenty years later? [Difference Engine]
  4. Why did people complain of the decline of moral standards in Edinburgh? [The last public whipping took place]
  5. Which non-sufferer from yellow-green colour-blindness was born in Silesia? [Gregor Mendel]
  6. What ban was rescinded in Sweden, after the fifth and final attempt? [Coffee]
  7. Where was a first attempt at independence forcibly suppressed by the tailor's son? [Dominican Republic; Jean-Pierre Boyer]
  8. Where did a church gruesomely burn at Pentecost, killing more than a hundred? [Grue, Norway]
  9. Who deciphered what using Bouchard's crib? [Jean-François Champollion, Egyptian hieroglyphs; the Rosetta Stone]
  10. Where did the president of the Royal Society of Literature start a college to improve the education of Welsh priests? [Lampeter; St David's College, future University of Wales; Thomas Burgess]

4. Who… [People called Richard]

  1. carefully avoided Vietnam, then directed three other wars, but only personally shot one person (as far as we know)? [Dick Cheney]
  2. had his hajj go awry when he forgot to squat? [Richard Francis Burton]
  3. commanded a Yankee Clipper on his second and final voyage? [Richard F. Gordon Jr., CM pilot of Apollo 12]
  4. became king by default after a sermon by the Bishop of Bath and Wells? [Richard III]
  5. was born in Huntingdon, inherited a job he didn't want, and resigned after eight months? [Richard Cromwell]
  6. watched Trinity without dark glasses but steered clear of Orion? [Richard Feynman]
  7. quintuply named, went bankrupt with debts of over a million pounds? [Richard Plantagenet Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos]
  8. worked on tyre rationing, and later started the first War On An Abstract Concept? [Richard Nixon; War on Drugs, 1971]
  9. went by Palmer and was hanged for horse theft? [Dick Turpin]
  10. single-handedly created the legend of the above? [Richard Bayes]

5. [Zodiac]

  1. In heraldry, what has three distinct forms: with horns and tail, with tail but no horns, and with neither? [Sheep]
  2. What term now used generally in share trading originally meant a fraudster buying on credit that couldn't be repaid? [Bull]
  3. What animal's body design is so successful, on land and in fresh and salt water, that there's a term for unrelated animals evolving to be more like it? [Crab; carcinisation]
  4. What, apart from acting, links Linda Hamilton, Scarlett Johanson, and Marilu Henner? [They all have non-famous twin siblings.]
  5. What tree-climbing herbivore is used for military medical training? [Goat]
  6. What did the 17th-century mathematician from near Beauvais contribute to commerce? [The Roberval (parallelogram) balance; Gilles Personne de Roberval]
  7. What acronym may have inspired a secret recognition sign? [ἸΧΘΥΣ; fish]
  8. What did Gunnar want from his wife, that she didn't give him? [Hair for a bowstring; Njáls Saga]
  9. What order of animals is universally fluorescent, and uses zinc compounds for their mechanical strength? [Scorpiones]
  10. What did the Silesian painter and writer successfully release? [Elsa the lioness; Joy Adamson]

6. In 1952, apart from the accession of Elizabeth II:

  1. Where did Mike exceed ten? [Eniwetok Atoll, the first fusion bomb Ivy Mike yielded 10.4 megatons]
  2. To compete with the previous year's World in London, something bigger was held; where? [Long Beach; Armi Kuusela became the first Miss Universe]
  3. How were letters to Kitty first translated into English? [as the Diary of Anne Frank]
  4. Who was the first heartless man? [Henry Opitek; first human to benefit from a mechanical heart, though it was external and immobile]
  5. What was divided at 5,000 pounds empty? [Fixed-wing aviation between US Army and Air Force; but the Pace-Finletter MOU also removed weight limits on Army helicopters.]
  6. What was the first to benefit from the Dead Sea Scrolls? [Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Old Testament published this year.]
  7. Where were four and a half minutes heard for the first time? [Maverick Concert Hall, Woodstock NY; Cage's 4'33"]
  8. Which future president was arrested for his supposed part in an unpopular uprising? [Jomo Kenyatta; the Mau Mau rebellion]
  9. Whose ship would be so small for the next 18 months? [Ann Davison, first woman to cross the Atlantic solo, in Felicity Ann; left Plymouth on 18 May, arrived in New York on 23 November 1953]
  10. Where did Indonesia, Israel, the People's Republic of China, the USSR and West Germany compete for the first time? [1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki]

7. [Domes]

  1. What rose from ashes, then survived a series of fires only through superhuman efforts? [The dome of St Paul's Cathedral.]
  2. Where might you walk in less than a minute from the Mediterranean to the tropics? [The two main domes of the Eden Project near St Austell's.]
  3. Which thirty-year-old offered protection from Katrina? [The Louisiana Superdome in 2005.]
  4. What is bicoloured and, although the largest of its kind in the country, is somewhat overshadowed by a famous tower? [The dome of Pisa Cathedral baptistry.]
  5. What cast iron replacement was not actually damaged in 2021, though other things were? [The January 6th rioters did not harm the Capitol dome, which replaced the original in the 1866.]
  6. What has been described as appearing to be made of sweets, but in fact contains nine onions? [St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow has nine onion-domes.]
  7. What, although of the same colour, is by the alteration of one letter not half as old as time, but on the contrary only just older than this century? [The Putra Mosque in Malaysia, which, like Petra, is rose-red.]
  8. What, unique in its civilisation and still holding a size record, is made from travertine, terracotta, tufa and pumice? [The dome of the Pantheon in Rome]
  9. Where did an Englishman redesign what the Soviets had destroyed half a century earlier? [The Reichstag Dome, Berlin]
  10. A picture of what, on a banknote, went viral in 2017? [Great Stupa at Sanchi, on the Indian ₹200 note]

8. [Doctors]

  1. Whose shoes were made by the group from Nottingham from 1960 until 1995? [Dr. Martens]
  2. Which ex-Nazi scientist was simultaneously the leader of the free world and a legendary root, but not a photogenic ape? [Doctor Strangelove]
  3. Which Great White Father of 1966 was immortalised in song, though he went unrecognised at the time? [Doctor Robert, probably Freymann]
  4. Who set out to commit ten vengeful murders on a biblical theme, and finally got away in a boat? [The Abominable Dr. Phibes]
  5. Who was sceptical of witchcraft and, like Hercules, aspired to be immortal? [Doctor William Harvey]
  6. Whose first teacher was a parrot? [Doctor John Dolittle]
  7. Whose training in chemical engineering was most profitably applied to doughnuts? [Edward Elmer "Doc" Smith]
  8. Who was saved from death because his heart was on the right side of his body, but was killed in the end by guano? [Dr. No (in the novel)]
  9. Who adapted the work of a noble Englishwoman abroad, and applied it at home to fight an ancient scourge? [Dr Edward Jenner]
  10. Who was present for two of the three destructions of Atlantis? [The Doctor, and if you answered "Doctor Who" I Spurn you but you still get the point]

9. In 2022:

  1. Which Kenyan pilot, photographer and politician, though not a magician, no longer needed his artificial limbs? [Richard Leakey]
  2. Who needed some help with that, defending their sexual harrassment, employment discrimination, and retaliation lawsuit? [Activision Blizzard, bought by Microsoft]
  3. Who wouldn't get the chance to reveal what part of his body hurt the most? [Meat Loaf]
  4. Which World Heritage Site lost its doughnuts and gained middle C? [Sydney Opera House]
  5. What was finally recognised, 180 years late? [City status of Gibraltar, granted by Queen Victoria in 1842]
  6. Which former combine harvester driver, the first recipient of an award later given to Billy Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bob Hope, and Volodomyr Zelenskiy, died after two years in hospital? [Mikhail Gorbachov, Ronald Reagan Freedom Award]
  7. Which English team brought back memories of 1966? [Women's football, England senior team beat Germany in a final held at Wembley Stadium.]
  8. What led to a postponement for cavies? [The death of Queen Elizabeth II; Guinea Pig Awareness Week was postponed.]
  9. Which organisation became reluctantly involved in the murder of the former prime minister? [The Unification Church; the mother of Yamagami Tetsuya gave all her possessions to the church after suffering high-pressure sales techniques, and he assassinated Abe Shinzo to draw attention to his and the Liberal Democratic Party's links to that group.]
  10. What reached 8, a mere eleven years after reaching 7? [World population in billions.]
Tags: gkp

See also:
Princess Charlotte General Knowledge Paper 2022

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