2011 military SF, ninth of the Kris Longknife books. Kris leads an
expedition in search of an alien menace.
OK, so we finally get to move forward on the matter of the big
scary thing that was given away in the blurb two books ago, with a
group of systems from which (allied, alien) scout ships never return.
There's a new technology that allows very limited observation through
jump points, so obviously the thing to do is…
…charge off in a completely different direction, randomly out into the
"I'm hunting for whatever's eating up your scout ships," Kris said.
"You are a far distance from where they went and did not return."
"Well, yes. We call incidents like exploding scout ships a hot
datum. They draw attention. We don't want to draw any more attention
to those spots. Anyone who comes nosing around them might keep
nosing and bump into you. I want to come at them from the other way
around and draw their attention this way."
But because the author's thumb is on the scales, sure enough, Kris
finds the menace in a completely different part of the galaxy, and
it's a different bit of the same menace. Who turn out to be
suicidally brave, and utterly committed to fighting at all costs and
blowing themselves up when they lose. You can try to talk to them, but
they just attack you with overwhelming force, so you gotta shoot 'em
In other words they're the space equivalent of pulp Nazis. None of
those tricksy moral dilemmas here! We laid down our $7.99 for space
battles, not space ethics!
And then, looking at the enemy tactics, they're clearly
communicating back through jump points (a later ship in the attack
does something clearly based on information gained by an earlier ship
which was blown up before it had a change to return). This is supposed
to be impossible (though it's an obvious application of the top secret
see-through-jump-points-o-mat that the good guys have invented).
Nobody seems to notice that this is unusual.
And as a third strike against the book, well, we've established that
going through a jump point at high relative speed lets you jump to
another point further than the usual one, and that this is risky.
Well, it's not risky for Kris, probably because she has the entire
universe's supply of sentient computers on board; and during the trip
back with a damaged ship, they save fuel by keeping up a high speed
while traversing systems from one jump point to another.
In other words these ships can maintain their speed while changing
direction, like a car turning a corner, and not at all like a
spaceship (except one in an orbit, which these aren't). Walter Jon
Williams got this wrong in The Praxis (2003), too, but there it
wasn't as vital to the plot; and Williams is a rather better writer
than Shepherd.
In order to generate tension, this ship that was expected to be making
a long voyage into the middle of nowhere is only capable of wilderness
refuelling by heroic efforts.
I mean, I don't mind "Kris is presented with a problem that to anyone
else would be impossible, and solves it". That's what the series is
about. But it's nice when the problem is one that would logically
have occurred rather than one invented just to challenge her, and she
solves it by her skills, or by her nature, or even by virtue of having
picked the right friends, rather than by luck or by obvious authorial
Every time reconfigurable matter is mentioned in dialogue it's
called "SmartMetal™", with the trade mark symbol.
Oh yeah, the romance for Kris that's been hanging fire since book one
finally goes off. Woo.
There are bits here that are great. Several long-term characters die,
and often in a sudden random way (because they're doing dangerous
things) rather than getting a chance to make a heroic speech first.
The survivors struggle with guilt over being alive when they didn't do
anything better than the dead guys except be lucky. This is good
stuff. But there's much more that either doesn't work at all, or is so
clumsily done that it might as well not work because it drags me out
of any possible immersion.
This is book 9 of the main sequence. The latest published is number
19, and there are side stories and a spinoff novel series too. And the
things are simply becoming increasingly hard work for me to read,
perhaps because the growing scope of the larger plot, and the desire
to do things that haven't been done before in previous books, seem to
be exceeding Shepherd's writing ability.
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