RogerBW's Blog

Tekelilicon 2 23 February 2023

I ran another mini-convention for the community from, as well as local gamers.

I brought the usual portable games library, loaded the night before.

We started Saturday with Sentinels of the Multiverse: Bunker, Haka, Wraith, Argent Adept and Unity versus Akash'Bhuta in Megalopolis. (The Rook City Renegades expansion box would arrive the following Monday.) I felt Unity still wasn't super effective (in fact for a lot of the time Haka was carrying the rest of us as we tried to set up big attacks) but we had a good time and took the win.

On to Tsuro, surprisingly un-chaotic for a six-player game.

I got into a five-plauer game of Xia: Legends of a Drift System, in which nobody managed to blind jump into a star but I think we all had a good time.

On to Rush n' Crush, a short race and a close one except for the leader.

Then Flash Point: Fire Rescue, 2-door house plus basement for four firefighters. This was clearly someone's Internet fireworks business. We did mean to rescue that kid in the cellar, but there were people closer to the ambulance, and then the ladder collapsed in an explosion…

Finally for me on Saturday, Rallyman: GT.

Elsewhere we had Oceans with the invisible mega-kraken.

On Sunday morning I kicked off with Onitama

I had a chance to try out Ginkgopolis, which I very much enjoyed; tile-laying city-building has a lot of variation, but this worked very well for me.

A couple of games of Turncoats, in which the stones you use to get a faction ascendant are also the ones you need to control it at the end to win. (We reckoned this could be a good beach game - assuming you can intuitively lay out a hex grid on sand, which, well, gamers.)

On to SCOUT and a style of game that's new to me, but feels very traditional. Theme is minimal, and honestly I'd prefer it as an abstract, but that's effectively what it is anyway. Definitely works well, and one I'll look out for.

Crokinole. Oh dear. I fear I have an expensive purchase coming up.

The Quacks of Quedlinburg, just with the basics (no Herb Witches or Alchemists) for new players. (I still haven't actually played with the Alchemists.)

And finally Citadels, which I didn't photograph. Not enough of a fan of this to own it myself, but I don't mind it when it comes out.

We didn't make a surplus to fund the site with as last time, but losses weren't huge, and I will definitely do this again.

[Buy Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition at Amazon] [Buy Tsuro at Amazon] [Buy Xia: Legends of a Drift System at Amazon] [Buy Flash Point at Amazon] [Buy Rallyman GT at Amazon] [Buy Onitama at Amazon] [Buy The Quacks of Quedlinburg at Amazon] [Buy Citadels at Amazon] and help support the blog. ["As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases."]

  1. Posted by John P at 11:24pm on 23 February 2023

    Yeah, that Flash Point basement is a real stinker to work with isn't it? If you put it under the hotel board then that would be a nightmare. Maybe try that next Stabcon?

    I still think allowing the rescue dog to bark to summon the ambulance would be great - "What's that? I think he wants us to go to him!"

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 11:46pm on 23 February 2023

    You may jest, sir, but I have a diary and have made a note. (If I can make it - it clashes with the Finncon this year.)

  3. Posted by John P at 10:46pm on 24 February 2023

    If you make it, you're on! Reckon it would need at least 5 firefighters though - one per floor and two to pull the victims.

  4. Posted by RogerBW at 11:37pm on 24 February 2023

    Maybe. The problem with splitting zones in the 5-6 player game is that a lot can happen in the space you can reach before it's your turn again. (I suspect Suppression Specialist might be a good option to mitigate that.)

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