The 1 Player Guild is a group of solo game players, communicating
through BoardGameGeek. This was the seventh get-together for
the UK contingent, back together in person.
With images;
cc-by-sa on
We started with the traditional
PitchCar, at which
I did quite remarkably badly. I blame the Crokinole I was playing
the weekend before.

On to Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive
with content from the new Rook City Renegades box: Expatriette, Argent
Adept, Mr Fixer, Bunker and Ra against the Fey-Court in the Realm of
Discord. We messed up somewhat by failing to appreciate the
significance of the tokens on the two villains, but still had a good

On to Shamans,
and as usual we found it quite hard to succeed in the "good" goal.
A long game of Xia: Legends of a Drift
and possibly my worst performance ever. Still had a great time, but
I'm clearly getting things wrong. Should probably try it solo some

It was getting late, but those of us left managed a round of
Just One,

and we finished off with
SCOUT, which I
suspect I'm going to buy.

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