I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved searching through arrays. (Note that this is
closes today.)
Task 1: Minimum Index Sum
You are given two arrays of strings.
Write a script to find out all common strings in the given two
arrays with minimum index sum. If no common strings found returns an
empty list.
i.e., from the examples, if "Word" occurs at index 2 in array A and
index 1 in array B, the index sum of "Word" is 3. Order of output is
not specified.
Convert a list of words into a hash (dict, hashmap) mapping each word
to its lowest index. (There may be duplicates in the list.)
def v2hm(a)
h = Hash.new
a.each_with_index do |x, i|
if !h.has_key?(x) then
h[x] = i
return h
def minindexsum(a, b)
Set up the lookup hash for each word.
ah = v2hm(a)
bh = v2hm(b)
Set up the output list and a minimum index sum higher than any we'll
out = []
mi = a.length + b.length
For each word in a
a.each do |w|
confirm that it's in b
if bh.has_key?(w) then
Calculate the index sum.
mv = ah[w] + bh[w]
If it's lower than any we've seen before, clear the output list and
set this as the new target.
if mv < mi then
out = []
mi = mv
If it equals the target, add the word to the list.
if mv == mi then
return out
Task 2: Duplicate and Missing
You are given an array of integers in sequence with one missing and one duplicate.
Write a script to find the duplicate and missing integer in the given array. Return -1 if none found.
For the sake of this task, let us assume the array contains no more than one duplicate and missing.
If there is no missing number found in the sequence, we assume that it
would have been the next one after the end. (It could have been the
one before the beginning. No way to know.) Anyway, Raku:
sub duplicateandmissing(@a) {
Set up flags for which anomalous entries I've found, holders for
duplicate and missing, and an expected value.
my $flags = 0;
my $dup = 0;
my $mis = 0;
my $exp = @a[0];
Check each entry…
for @a -> $n {
If it's lower than expected, this is a "duplicate" value. (If it's
lower than exp - 1
, it's an anomaly of a type we're not expecting,
so ignore that.) Store it and set flag bit 0. (Yeah, Raku weird
bitwise operators. Sigh.)
if ($n < $exp) {
$dup = $n;
$flags +|= 1;
If it's higher, there was a "missing" value. (Again, this is only
strictly true if there was a gap of 1, but if it's higher there's more
then one missing value and we're told that won't happen..) Store it
and set flag bit 1.
} elsif ($n > $exp) {
$mis = $exp;
$flags +|= 2;
If we've found both "duplicate" and "missing" values, return.
if ($flags == 3) {
return [$dup, $mis];
The next expected value is one more than this value.
$exp = $n + 1;
If we found a duplicate but not a missing, assume the missing is the
one after the end.
if ($flags == 1) {
return [$dup, $exp];
Otherwise, give up.
return [-1];
Full code on
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