I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved sorting words and modifying sequences. (Note that this is
open until 7 May 2023.)
Task 1: Odd one Out
You are given a list of words (alphabetic characters only) of same
Write a script to remove all words not sorted alphabetically and
print the number of words in the list that are not alphabetically
The simplest-to-program way to find out whether a string is sorted is
to sort its contents, then compare with the original. Perl:
sub oddoneout($a) {
my $ct = 0;
foreach my $s (@{$a}) {
my $t = join('', sort split '',$s);
if ($s ne $t) {
return $ct;
A computationally cheaper approach, which I used in some languages
where it felt more idiomatic, is to look at the characters pairwise,
and bail out if character N-1
is greater in value than character
. PostScript:
/oddoneout {
3 dict begin
/ct 0 def
/s exch def
1 1 s length 1 sub {
/i exch def
s i 1 sub get s i get gt {
/ct ct 1 add def
} if
} for
} forall
} bind def
Task 2: Number Placement
You are given a list of numbers having just 0 and 1. You are also given placement count (>=1).
Write a script to find out if it is possible to replace 0 with 1 in
the given list. The only condition is that you can only replace when
there is no 1 on either side. Print 1 if it is possible otherwise 0.
One could try actually inserting the values, but I noticed that for
each run of zeroes of length n
I can perform (n - 1) / 2
down) replacements. Length 3 gives 1, as does length 4; length 5 gives
2, as does length 6; and so on.
So all I do is count the lengths of the zero runs, then work out from
that the total number of possible replacements. If that's no lower
than the number I'm asked for, return true
I'm iterating over overlapping pairs of numbers, and using windowed
or rotor
in the languages that support it would make some sense –
but I also need the index value, so it seemed easier to avoid the
extra complication rather than mucking about with enumerate
fn numberplacement(a0: Vec<u8>, ct: u32) -> bool {
Set up a list that wraps the original with "1" entries, so that all
runs of zero are bounded - this saves special-case code for the start
and end of the array later.
let mut a: Vec<u8> = vec![1; a0.len() + 2];
a.splice( 1 ..= a0.len(), a0);
let mut s = 0;
let mut tt = 0;
Starting at the second entry and running to the end:
for i in 1 .. a.len() {
Look for patterns of previous and current entry.
match (a[i - 1], a[i]) {
If it's the start of a run, note the index.
(1, 0) => { s = i; },
If it's the end of a run, add the number of possible substitutions.
(0, 1) => { tt += (i - s) / 2; },
Otherwise, ignore.
_ => (),
ct <= tt as u32
…all right, I like match
and I think it's clear, but it's easily
enough phrased more conventionally, as in Raku:
sub numberplacement(@a0, $ct) {
my @a = (1, );
my $s = 0;
my $tt = 0;
for (1..@a.end) -> $i {
if (@a[$i - 1] == 1 && @a[$i] == 0) {
$s = $i;
} elsif (@a[$i - 1] == 0 && @a[$i] == 1) {
$tt += floor(($i - $s)/2);
return $ct <= $tt;
Full code on
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