I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved sequence processing and a cost optimisation. (Note that this
is open until 4 June 2023.)
Task 1: Sorted Squares
You are given a list of numbers.
Write a script to square each number in the list and return the
sorted list, increasing order.
This is mostly a one-liner, though in some languages it's easier to
sort as a separate operation.
sub sortedsquares($lst) {
return [sort {$a <=> $b} map{$_ * $_} @{$lst}];
The shortest version is in PostScript, though admittedly it relies on
my libraries to provide map
and quicksort
/sortedsquares {
{ dup mul } map quicksort
} bind def
Task 2: Travel Expenditure
You are given two list, @costs and @days.
The list @costs contains the cost of three different types of travel
cards you can buy.
The list @days contains the day number you want to travel in the
The periods of the cards are fixed at 1, 7 and 30 days, so the trick
is to cover all days with one card or another at minimum total cost.
Here's the JavaScript:
function travelexpenditure(costs, days0) {
Make sure the days are in order.
let days = days0;
days.sort(function(a,b) {
return a-b;
Set the validity periods.
const validities = [1, 7, 30];
Set up the stack for a FIFO search.
let stack = [];
stack.push([0, days]);
One possible cost is an individual one-day ticket for each day, so
let's set that as the starting value.
let cheapest = days.length * costs[0];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const c = stack.shift();
As an entry comes off the stack, if there are no more days to cover,
compare this cost with the cheapest found so far and log it if it's
if (c[1].length == 0) {
if (c[0] < cheapest) {
cheapest = c[0];
} else {
If we haven't finished but we're already costing more than the
cheapest found so far, skip this leg.
if (c[0] >= cheapest) {
The first day we'll cover in this leg is the lowest remaining value.
const start = c[1][0];
Test each possible type of card.
for (let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
Work out the last day for which this card will be valid.
const ed = start + validities[i] - 1;
Remaining days are those later than that one.
let dtd = c[1].filter(x => x > ed);
Push onto the stack the new cost, and the new remaining days.
stack.push([c[0] + costs[i], dtd]);
return cheapest;
Since this is an exhaustive search it could have been done with a
LIFO, but I felt like doing a FIFO, and at these sizes the performance
loss (on languages without a dedicated double-ended array type) is
very minor.
Full code on
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