I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved more finding strings that can be made out of letters, and a
search for a subsequence. (Note that this is open until 18 June 2023.)
I've been away on holiday, so I only did this in my favourite
extra languages (Rust and PostScript) rather than the usual full set.
Task 1: Good Strings
You are given a list of @words
and a string $chars
A string is good if it can be formed by characters from $chars, each character can be used only once.
Write a script to return the sum of lengths of all good strings in words.
Clearly I'll use word2map from challenge #216 task 2, which breaks
down a word into a hash of letters and their frequencies.
Rust benefits from the Counter class (in effect a hash with a default
value of zero):
use counter::Counter;
fn word2map(word: &str) -> Counter<char> {
let mut m: Counter<char> = Counter::new();
for c in word.to_ascii_lowercase().chars() {
if c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' {
m[&c] += 1;
fn goodstrings(words: Vec<&str>, chars: &str) -> u32 {
let mut out: u32 = 0;
Get a map of the available letters.
let cm = word2map(chars);
for w in words {
let f = word2map(w);
let mut valid = true;
For each letter in the candidate word
for c in f.keys() {
If more are needed than are available, bail out.
if f.get(c) > cm.get(c) {
valid = false;
Otuerwise it's valid, so add its length to the output list.
if valid {
out += w.len() as u32;
Task 2: Arithmetic Subsequence
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to find the length of the longest Arithmetic
Subsequence in the given array.
A subsequence is an array that can be derived from another array by
deleting some or none elements without changing the order of the
remaining elements.
A subsquence is arithmetic if ints[i + 1] - ints[i] are all the same
value (for 0 <= i < ints.length - 1).
My approach here is a depth-first search. For each sequence on the
stack (starting with the input sequence), return its length if it's a
valid arithmetic sequence; otherwise, push onto the stack a set of
sequences each consisting of this sequence with one entry removed.
(This is quick and dirty so it assumes there will be a non-trivial
arithmetic subsequence to be found.)
In Raku, I start with a test for arithmetic sequentiality:
sub isas(@a) {
my $t = @a[1] - @a[0];
for @a.skip(1).rotor(2 => -1) -> $i {
if ($i[1] - $i[0]) != $t {
return False;
return True;
Then the depth-first search.
sub arithmeticsubsequence(@ints) {
Put the input on the stack.
my @stack = [ @ints, ];
while (@stack.elems > 0) {
Pull a sequence off the stack.
my @t = @stack.shift.List;
If it's arithmetic, return its length.
if (isas(@t)) {
return @t.elems;
} else {
Otherwise, for each entry in it that I might remove,
for (0 .. @t.end) -> $i {
build a new sequence omitting that entry (this is surprisingly hard to
do elegantly)
my @tt;
for (0 .. @t.end) -> $ix {
if ($i != $ix) {
and push it onto the stack for later testing.
return 0;
This automatically gets me tests of the full sequence, full sequence
missing one entry, full missing two, etc.; it's not particularly
efficient, because it'll test subsequences multiple times, but at
least the test exits early on failure.
Full code on
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