This Meetup-based
boardgames group continues.
A small group this evening, and we played
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive
The setup was Tempest, Mr Fixer (Dark Watch), and Fanatic (Haunted),
versus the Fae Court in Diamond Manor.

Haunted Fanatic is… hmm, interesting. Usually Fanatic's in a race to
get down to 10HP, because that's where her good powers kick in, but
not too much below. Here she starts at 10, which is much better –
because when there are heal-everybody effects flowing around, she has
no reason to turn them down (while them would take normal Fanatic
above 10 and thus de-power her somewhat). I think I got down to 5HP at
one point, but never had much trouble finding healing.

We started off trying to token up Dagda for a quick win, but the
options for that were quite limited while we were labouring under
Bonds, so we ended up bashing him while keeping Morrigan (relatively)
happy, then switching to her once he was down. Fanatic was restricted
by a Bond that capped usable damage at 6, until I got the other
players to agree to let me End of Days it away (and everything else
that wasn't a Relic).
Diamond Manor mostly caused confusion, and we were often on the
lookout for ways to nullify the weirdness.
We started the final player turn with Morrigan on 1HP and 1 token… and

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