Back to one of my favourite conventions, though only for an
abbreviated visit this time.
This year I planned ahead and stopped at a couple of
locations: Tebay, very busy and with a remarkably expensive sandwich
(bearing in mind that's half a slice of bread top and bottom, though
it was very good)…

and Cairn Lodge, which seemed altogether less crowded (possibly
because it's a little way off the motorway, and bracketed by more
conventional service stations).

I got in quite late, though things were still going on at the venue.
I've been in Clocktower games like that…

Breakfast was extremely good, but alas could only be had at 8.15 or
9.00 (and took about half an hour to arrive in full). What I really
want from a hotel for this event is a breakfast buffet that's open by
about 8am, so that I can stuff myself and still reach the venue
comfortably before 9am, but I don't think there are any hotels large
enough to support one.

On site, and the first game of the day was Rallyman:
DIRT, much

On to a demo game of Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive
(Tempest, Wraith, and an improvised bot-Legacy against the Baron in

Then a A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural
in my usual cooperative mode: this was Anne Marie and Victor Danforth
against the Spectral Horseman. It almost worked… I particularly
enjoyed the moment when Anne Marie pulled a "we're here to save you"
event in a location that was about to be overrun by Barghests. "Yes,
you'll all be fine! Got to go now. Send your children to school, if
they live."

I got to introduce
Lemminge to a
new group of people (and, as usual, ended up letting them know how to
find a second-hand copy – this is a game that really deserves still to
be in print).

On to Turing
which I think I'm getting slightly better at teaching but there's a
key point in the rules that I'm still not explaining right first time.

And some more Sentinels: this time, First Appearance Tachyon, First
Appearance Captain Cosmic, Haka, and Nightmist, against the Fae Court
on Mars. This time we were a lot more careful about preserving the
minions that promoted token placement, and got Dagda sufficiently
amused in about five rounds.

Finally for me, another game of Rallyman: Dirt, pushing hard through
some terrible dice rolling.

I'd planned to play on Sunday morning and then set off home at noon,
but I felt an urge for an early start given my commitment to Zatucon
on Monday, so I left after a bit of chatting. Next year TTS will be in
Edinburgh on a different date, so there shouldn't be a clash. This is
still a lovely convention full of good people, my second favourite UK
show after Airecon.
And it doesn't hurt that the roadside scenery in this part of Scotland
is gorgeous.
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