I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved substrings and array mapping. (Note that this ends today.)
Task 1: Acronym
You are given two arrays of strings and a check string.
Write a script to find out if the check string is the acronym of the
words in the given array.
This is a one-liner in almost every language. Rust is more verbose
than most (though it's probably easier to see what's going on as a
fn acronym(strs: Vec<&str>, chk: &str) -> bool {
.map(|x| x.chars().next().unwrap())
== chk.to_ascii_lowercase()
whereas e.g. Python has:
def acronym(strs, chk):
return "".join(x[0] for x in strs).lower() == chk.lower()
and in PostScript I was able to do it without local variables (which
gives a slight speed improvement, but mostly it's more fun).
/acronym {
[ exch
0 get
} forall
] a2s tolower deepeq
} bind def
My library functions s2a
(convert a string to an array of integer
character values) and a2s
(the reverse) turn out to be remarkably
useful, because PostScript arrays can be mangled slightly more
conveniently than its strings; for example there's no way to say "this
is the marker for the start of a string, I'll just push characters
onto the stack and eventually drop an end-string marker" the way you
can with an array.
Task 2: Build Array
You are given an array of integers.
Write a script to create an array such that new[i] = old[old[i]]
where 0 <= i < new.length
Again this is fairly straightforward. Where there's complexity it's in
the specific syntax. Raku:
sub buildarray(@a) {
return [@a.map({@a[$_]})];
Full code on
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