My seventh Airecon, this time without snow. With images;
cc-by-sa on
After an easy drive up, we started in the bar of the Majestic with
Poker, a
bluffing game that I enjoyed but I honestly can't picture playing with
people I didn't already know quite well.

Then we moved down to the venue proper, where the beer selection was
rather better

and we played
Freehand with
six. I'm really getting to like this as a low-cpmplexity party game.

On to Zoo
Vadis, a game
that seems as though it shouldn't work, but somehow does. Every time
you want to get out of a zone you need a majority of the votes
available in that zone, so it's a constant process of bribing other
players to help you and not helping them too much. Good fun.

Nokosu Dice,
always a winner. (The game is. I'm not.)

And lastly for this evening, Imperium:
in which I took the Atlanteans. My immediate impression was that they
were very fragile, but they were good fun even so. We finished scoring
just as the hall was being closed.

A good honest hotel breakfast.

First game today was
Crown. I
know very little about fishing and nothing at all about American
competitive fishing, but I enjoy the worker placement and set
collection mechanics here.

And Xia: Legends of a Drift
(the game's not over until you've blind jumped into a star).

This was good fun but had taken up a chunk of time, so I had a poutine
break thanks to Spuds and Bros.

Then on to Lemminge: Wer Springt
always a favourite (well, I know one person who isn't particularly a

Then a solid four-player Flash Point: Fire
the four-door house, but hoo boy this one went poorly. We had some
good moments, but in the end we had only two victims rescued by the
time the house fell down.

Then on to a four-player Kabuto
Sumo… well,
three of matches, because pushing the chairs led to a couple of early
victories. But the third game worked rather better with much back and

Then Piepmatz,
the first time I've had a chance to play with four. It felt like a
very low-scoring game for me but I came out ahead in the end.
Getting back to the hotel, there seemed to be a fair old PA rig being
set up. At 10pm. Uh-oh.

…but in the morning, the band for an Indian wedding was playing on the
terrace. Good fun! (They even drowned out the Harrogate Bagpiper.)
We started with 5-player
Earth. I hadn't
realise that the thematic implication of the animal cards was that you
were building habitats to attract specific animals; we pictured the
fourth or fifth owl down the stack with ragged feathers and a mouser's

Then some shorter games,
(probably at its best with five)

Tinderblox Sunset.

Nokosu Dice
of the show with a slightly different group. This is actually a bit
like SCOUT in that its scoring has a falsely high resolution: have two
good rouns, or one excellent round, and you've probably won.
On to Tavarua,
the second time I've played this—but I didn't do as well as on my
first play. The cards were against me, or something. I enjoy this one,
but it does take a while.

A brief round of
Freehand while
we wound down from that.
Then on to
Faraway, with an
interesting reversing mechanic. You lay down cards in a sequence, then
flip them, and reveal them in reverse order. So if your card 4 scores
for, say, every map symbol, it'will count any maps on 4-8, but not the
ones on 1-3 that aren't yet visible.

I rather enjoyed it and I'd definitely like to play again.
As we were winding down a bit, more

and Roll to the
Top!, in which I
did better than ever before (but got greedy towards the end and thus

Mint Works, a
classic tiny game that I've never played before. It's worker
placement, but your workers don't return to you, so you have to be
constantly acquiring more.

It turned out that the Indian wedding had been a morning and afternoon
event, so I got a good night's sleep too. (Even though the room's
heating was turned off, I had to leave the windows open to get it cool
enough for me.)
We were all fairly faded by this point, and several of us had a long
way to get home, but we started Sunday with more Tinderblox
and Freehand.
Then some of us played Coldwater Crown while I went for
(Celts, Romans and Polynesians). I tried to do the usual fast deck
cycling, but my deck got bloated and I didn't even flip to empire
before the Romans had exhausted the fame deck. Definitely still
enjoying this!

This is still my favourite games convention. And next year they're
celebbrating their tenth Airecon…
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