I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved sequence testing and splitting. (Note that this ends today.)
Task 1: Bitwise OR
You are given an array of positive integers, @ints.
Write a script to find out if it is possible to select two or more
elements of the given array such that the bitwise OR of the selected
elements has atlest one trailing zero in its binary representation.
Yeah, I could go selecting each pair of elements and testing them. But
there are some useful equivalences here.
- Number hs a trailing zero = number is even.
- (odd) ∨ (any) = (odd), so only (even) ∨ (even) = (even)
Therefore the problem is equivalent to "do there exist in the sequence
at least two even numbers".
I did this functionally in languages that support it (everything
except Lua). Raku:
sub bitwiseor(@a) {
return @a.grep({$_ % 2 == 0}).elems >= 2;
Lua has to lay it out at greater length, though this approach does
allow a short-cutting of the tests once enough values have been found.
function bitwiseor(a)
local count = 0
for i, v in ipairs(a) do
if v % 2 == 0 then
count = count + 1
if count >= 2 then
return true
return false
Task 2: Distribute Elements
You are given an array of distinct integers, @ints
Write a script to distribute the elements as described below: 1) Put the 1st element of the given array to a new array @arr1
. 2) Put the 2nd element of the given array to a new array @arr2
Once you have one element in each arrays, @arr1
and @arr2
, then follow the rule below: If the last element of the array @arr1
is greater than the last element of the array @arr2
then add the first element of the given array to @arr1 otherwise to the array @arr2
When done distribution, return the concatenated arrays. @arr1
and @arr2
All this really needs in terms of language features is extensible
arrays, which everything I'm using except PostScript can cope with.
Kotlin, for example:
fun distributeelements(a: List<Int>): List<Int> {
var x = ArrayList<Int>(listOf(a[0]))
var y = ArrayList<Int>(listOf(a[1]))
a.drop(2).forEach { n -> run {
if (x.last() > y.last()) {
} else {
return x.toList()
Perl and a few other languages don't have a iterator-skip, so I use
sub distributeelements($a) {
my @x = ($a->[0]);
my @y = ($a->[1]);
foreach my $i (2 .. $#{$a}) {
my $n = $a->[$i];
if ($x[-1] > $y[-1]) {
push @x, $n;
} else {
push @y, $n;
push @x, @y;
return \@x;
In PostScript I really ought to have done it with multiple stack
pointers bouncing around the place, but I was tired, and I already had
library code to copy and extend arrays. Some neat transformations of
array to stack entries and back, though.
/distributeelements {
0 dict begin
aload length /l exch def
/x 1 array def
l -1 roll x exch 0 exch put
/y 1 array def
l 1 sub -1 roll y exch 0 exch put
l 2 sub array astore {
/n exch def
x dup length 1 sub get y dup length 1 sub get gt {
/x x n apush.right def
} {
/y y n apush.right def
} ifelse
} forall
x aload pop
y aload pop
l array astore
} bind def
Full code on
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