I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved various flavours of string processing. (Note that this ends
Task 1: Broken Keys
You are given a sentence, $sentence
and list of broken keys
Write a script to find out how many words can be typed fully.
This smelled like a set intersection problem, so that's the approach I
took. In Raku:
sub brokenkeys($a, @k) {
my $out = 0;
Build a set of failed keys (lower case).
my %failset = Set(@k.map({$_.lc}));
For each word,
for $a.split(" ") -> $word {
build a set of the characters needed for it.
my %wordset = Set($word.lc.comb)
If those sets don't intersecti, there is no broken key in the word, so
increment the output counter.
if ((%wordset (&) %failset).elems == 0) {
return $out;
Task 2: Replace Digits
You are given an alphanumeric string, $str
, where each character
is either a letter or a digit.
Write a script to replace each digit in the given string with the
value of the previous letter plus (digit) places.
If's another of these encoding problems. Fairly straightforward at
least in languages that easily let you get a string as a list of
characters (which to be fair is basically everything but Lua).
def replacedigits(a)
out = ""
prev = 0
Look at each character.
a.chars.each do |c|
out += case c
If it's a digit, add its valud to the previous character code, and
convert to a new character for the output.
when '0'..'9'
(prev + c.to_i).chr
Otherwise, store the character code and pass it on.
prev = c.ord
Even PostScript comes out looking basically similar.
/replacedigits {
0 dict begin
/prev 0 def
[ exch
s2a {
/c exch def
c 48 ge c 57 le and {
c 48 sub prev add
} {
/prev c def
} ifelse
} forall
} bind def
Full code on
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