Back to the Masonic Hall for a warm and soggy weekend.
Not helped by a bit of a bastard drive; the M40 was shut between
4 and 5 (with only tiny local roads as a backup), and then Birmingham
and the northern M6 were both slow going too.

But the bar was open. (They didn't have a list of bottles, so this
picture got shared around a lot.)

First game was Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive
this month's challenge (Alpha, Tempest and Haka vs the Fey-Court in
Magmaria). Three damage-heavy heroes going up against targets they
really don't want to damage. We even went to some trouble to keep some
of the minions alive…

On to
A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural
which fell apart quite badly. I haven't won this since I got hold of
The Coast expansion, though I don't think anything from there really
affected us; we just couldn't kick our heroes into gear to start
killing off Walking Dead and gaining Investigation.

Tried out Magic
Maze on a new
victim. Number of people I know who like this game: still 2. Including

next, and clearly I am a good teacher because I had taught both the
other players and they both beat me.

Back to the hotel past Stockport town hall.

In the morning, Ark
Nova, a game I
don't love but do quite like. This is certainly helped by my now
having won two of the three games I've played. (My secret is a very
simple one: start at the 5-level of the action queue, and if I can do
anything with that, do it. Only if I can't do I go down to the 4,

Masons. The Da Vinci Code was aimed at these guys.

After an RPG session, we got back together with the hardcore
boardgamers for
Citadels (in
which I came the traditional last)

and Flash Point: Fire
where we did rather better (thanks to Paramedic and Rescue Dog, we
didn't lose a single victim).

Next morning begam with
sorry, I apparently have the hands for this…

and Imperium:
(Arthurians, Egyptians, Romans, Celts). The Romans had to retire
early, and I as the Arthurians made my usual error of not actually
checking what would give me points, and the Celts grew fat on Egyptian
cattle (but not on Egyptian points).

Fewer longer games this time than in some years, but great fun, and we
didn't even get to Xia…
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