RogerBW's Blog

Just Stab Me Now, Jill Bearup 27 August 2024

2024 romantic comic fantasy. Caroline is trying to write an enemies-to-lovers fantasy story, but her heroine Lady Rosamund keeps objecting.

I know Bearup as a YouTuber, where she talks about the practicalities of sword-fighting and where this book had its genesis. The essential tension is between Caroline's desire to write smouldering looks and clichéd scenes of her protagonists hating each other so they must be in love, and Rosamund's desires to keep her children and her lands safe and to mourn her late husband.

"I had such a beautiful evening planned. Candlelight, dancing, maybe a few flirtatious threats. And what do I get? Grand Theft Equine."

All right, that is basically the major plot driver for the whole book, but it isn't over-long, and there are plenty of side notes (like Caroline taking lessons from Lady Rosamund into her real life, and Rosamund picking up what were clearly intended to be one-off details and working out their political implications). These are all interesting people with whom to spend time.

"How many knives do you routinely carry on your person?" said Caroline, incredulous.

"Clearly not enough!" Rosamund panted, and kept running.

Sometimes the structures don't entirely hold together (such as some of Caroline's distractions in the "real world") and there are moments of clumsiness, but overall I enjoyed this greatly. It's not The Interior Life, but then what is?

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  1. Posted by Owen Smith at 09:58pm on 29 August 2024

    The phrase "Grand Theft Equine" does nothing for me, it's neither funny nor ironic or anything else. I suspect it works better with a US audience where "Grand Theft Auto" is an actual offence. In the UK it would be TWOCing (Taking WithOut Consent) but that would fall flat in the US. Shame a UK author chose to pander to the US audience.

  2. Posted by Chris at 11:20am on 30 August 2024

    Lord alive, I am not American, and I am not interested in computer games and would not be part of the target audience for the wretched thing, but even I have heard the phrase "Grand Theft Auto" and understand what it means. I doubt there are many people in England who would not understand it equally well: it is infamous here and you will find mention of it in Hansard.

  3. Posted by Owen Smith at 02:50pm on 30 August 2024

    I'm dimly aware of what it means. It just doesn't work for me as a joke, especially from a British author writing a pseudo historically story.

  4. Posted by John P at 10:07pm on 31 August 2024

    Barrister: "And finally, I shall show that the accused is guilty of twocking ..." Judge: "Twocking? What is that, pray tell?" Barrister: "Er, it is the vernacular employed by our law enforcement officers for 'Taking Without Owners Consent', my lord." Judge: "Indeed. So do you mean Grand Theft Auto?" Barrister: "Er, yes, I believe that is the term used by our American colleagues, my lord." Judge: "Excellent. I do find carrying out a drive by shooting of pimps a most gratifying exercise. Proceed."

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